Camren - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

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Six year old Beatrice Alya Jauregui quietly and carefully slipped out of her bed that night. Walking quickly, she went into her eleven year old brother's room and shook him awake.

"Luke, wake up." She said, poking Luke's side.

Luke Aiden Jauregui groaned before mumbling 'no' and buried his face in the pillow.

"Luke! Wake up!" Bea hissed and smiled brightly seeing her brother roll over.

"Go back to bed, Bea. It's too early." Luke said, slurring.

"Uh huh, it's three in the morning! Let's go see what Santa brought us!" Bea exclaimed.

"No Bea! Go back to bed." Luke hissed, annoyed.

"Well, I'm going to see." Bea said with her hands on her hips before exiting the room.

She sauntered down the hall towards her eldest sister's room. Pushing open the door, Bea walked over to the bed before pushing her sister's shoulder. "Audy, get up."

Audrey stirred slightly on the bed as she opened her eyes. She blinked a few more times before her eyes settled on Bea, who was standing up beside her bed with a small pout. Audrey's eyes drifted from her sister to the night stand.

"What's wrong? It's 3 in the morning Bea," Audrey mumbled as her head crashed onto the pillow.

"Come on, let's go see what Santa brought us."

"We'll see tomorrow." Audrey mumbled.

"Please, sissy?" Bea plead.

Sighing, Bea get up, "Fine. We'll take a quick peak and then back to bed, all right?"

The youngest Jauregui nodded her head before placing her index finger on her lips. The two girls tiptoed down the hall, past their mom's room and to the top of the stairs, where they got a perfect view of the tree.

Bea's eyes twinkled with joy when her eyes landed on all the wrapped boxes with pretty bows sitting under the tree. Smiling, Bea turned to her sister. "Wow!"

"I know. Let's go back to bed before mommy catch us."

As they headed back up the stairs, Bea saw something that caused her to pause in her track. "Why's mommy kissing Santa Claus?"

"What? Mommy's not kissing anyone. She's tucked in bed just like you should be." Audrey said in denial.

"Audy, mommy is kissing Santa. Look!" Bea pointed through the railing to where her mommy, a certain Camila Cabello-Jauregui, was sitting on the lap of the jolly old man in a red suit, kissing him blissfully.

And all Audrey Sofia Jauregui could do was sit there and stare with her mouth wide open.

"I'm gonna go get Luke!" Bea whispered to her sister.

Motioning for her to be quiet, Audrey sat there and watched her mother's every move. Questions seemed to race through the 13 year old mind on what her other mom would think about this.

"Bea said there is something i had to see." Luke said, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. Bea stood behind him.

Wordlessly, Audrey pointed to the left of the tree and Luke squinting his eyes at the tree to make out the sight.

"I don't understand." Luke said, frowning.

"Mommy is kissing the ho-ho-ho guy." Bea said, pointing at her mommy and the santa.

All the three Jauregui children could do was watch until the tiredness kicked in and they headed off to bed with promises to each other to find out what exactly their mommy was up to.

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