|Always and Forever|

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___'s hands were bound by cuffs and she tried her best to break them open but, something drained her strength. She tried and tried but they still wouldn't break.

"They won't break." ___ snapped her attention towards the one who spoke. She glared at Akira with every bit of hatred she had in her.

___ wasn't as strong inside as she seemed on the outside. Inside, her emotions were everywhere. She wanted to give up and cry but, her goal was too important. More important than life.

"The coffee we've been feeding you? It has human food mixed in it. You're weak now." Akira smirked. She wanted to see every ghoul suffer because she had lost her father and the one she loved to them.

Haise entered the room with a tray of coffee in his hands. Akira turned to him and smirked. "Enjoy the coffee." She told ___ as she left the room.

___ looked at Haise with a broken look. She longed to be held in his arms again. She wished with all her will that this is all just a bad dream and that she'd wake up in Kaneki's arms. "I miss you." She whispered.

Haise looked at her sadly as he gave her the coffee. She shook her head, "Are you into poisoning people you claim to love?" His eyes widened.

"___, this isn't the coffee they were giving you. This one has human flesh," Haise told her and she looked at him hopefully. He nodded. "I'm gonna bring you this coffee from now on, hopefully it gets you some strength."

Haise fed her the coffee with his own hands. Everyday, he brought the coffee. ___ felt her strength increasing day by day. She was glad to get out of there soon. Until, "This isn't gonna give you much strength. We have no other choice."

"What do you mean? I feel strong." She was confused. Haise looked at her sadly but gave her a sweet smile. ___ had a bad feeling. She could see it on his face that his idea wasn't an easy one.

"I want you to take some of my flesh." He told her. ___'s eyes widened and she couldn't stop the beautiful memories she and him had shared. The day she found him. She let him feed on her, fall in love with her.

Tears dropped from her eyes so quick that they sliced through Haise's heart. He had memories. He had memories of the man he once was. He could taste her flesh on his tongue.

Haise stepped back from her and breathed heavily. "___, tell me you're mine." He whispered as his eyes teared up. He wanted-- no, needed her.

"I'm yours, Kaneki. Always and forever."

Reader x Kaneki Ken [Beauty was a man; Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now