How He Likes to Kiss You

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How He Likes to Kiss You


Just like he is with his sister (well okay not exactly in the same way but same gist), Kai can tend to be very protective of you. He enjoys very casually wrapping an arm around your shoulders and planting a kiss on your temple whenever he can - especially if there are other people around. It's his way of marking his territory, showing others you're his, and his only. No sharing.


Your relationship with Zane had been pretty cold at first. Almost kind of...boring. No silly pet names or gross displays of affection in public. As time went on, though, you found yourself warming up to him more and more. It's been a little slow, but now you two are at the point where Zane can walk up to you and plant a kiss on your forehead, which will make you smile slightly. You'd never admit it to Zane (though he knows already) but you love it when he does that.


Well, the story for this one's kind of weird. It started when [LSN] started becoming curious. It wasn't in a good way, either. You and Cole usually tried to be pretty brief and subtle when kissing in [LSN]'s presence, but you know how little kids are. They're naive, but will pick up on anything and everything. One day, after Cole had just given you a little peck on the lips, [LSN] asked this.

"Is that how babies are made, Y/N?"

You chuckled, blushing lightly. "No, [LSN], that's not how it works." Cole smirked at you; you'd just walked into the following question:

"Then how are babies made, Y/N? I wanna know so I can have one. Then I'll always have someone to play with."

Now you were at a loss. Of course, Cole was there to save the day. You made a mental mote to pay him back someday as he laughed merrily, and said, "Nobody knows!" before pecking your nose. [LSN] giggled, forgetting what he/she had just asked. Now whenever you two can't answer their questions, or you can't figure something out, Cole kisses your nose and says, "Nobody nose!"


Evidently, Jay still gets pretty nervous around you. Not that you mind, though. It leads him to do some really cute things. He likes to kiss you on the cheek, it's one of his favorite ways to display his affection for you (other than actually kissing you lol). But Jay's still kinda building his confidence with you. But he really wants to kiss your cheek! So when he gets that urge, he'll point to some random thing behind you and say, "Hey, check that out!" While you turn your head, he'll just go for it, quickly leaning forward and kissing your cheek. And because you're you, you'll fall for it every time.


Lloyd absolutely loves to wrap his arms around your waist from behind and kiss your jawbone right under your ear. You always squirm when he does this, not only because it tickles a little, but,'s an intimate place, okay?! By the time Lloyd can see your face, you're completely flustered and blushing, something he simply finds adorable. Therefore he harasses you by pulling the move whenever and wherever.

A/N: Thanks so much to Katarina Keller for following and _Lila_Loomsdown_ for your comments. I really appreciate it; knowing people like my stuff makes my day. :)

I wrote this at about 1 am when I couldn't sleep so I hope there aren't too many typos. I proofread, but hey, you never know.

My next preference (at least my plan for the next one) is supposed to be things he likes about you/vice versa. (personality wise/behaviors/etc.; not so sure about doing physical traits because, well, everyone looks different but if you really want it I'll give it a shot) So please, comment what your favorite personality traits/habits/non physical things about the Ninja are! I might use some if they give me inspiration.

And one last thing- is anyone interested in making a cover for this story? I'm not fond of just using some random google image result. Even if you're not an artist (I'm not one, haha) but you want to make one, go for it! I'd love to use it.

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