Chapter 8

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Your POV

Right now we're about halfway through the tour and I have been really enjoying myself. I loved that I got to spend everyday with my family and the girls, especially Lauren.

Lauren and I had gotten so much closer over the last month and a half from all the movie dates, cuddling and many make out sessions. At this point I was seriously falling for her and it was making me really nervous. I've never felt like this before.

Right now we were sat on the couch in the girls suite watching a movie and cuddling. She had her arms wrapped around me as I was lying on her chest. I was starting to drift off when the movie ended.

"Babe?" Lauren giggled.

"Mhmmm?" I replied opening my eyes long enough to look up at her.

"Are you that tired?" She asks moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"I'm not used to all the traveling and work." I replied. "I'm used to Netflix in my room."

"Why don't you go for a nap before we head to the venue?" She smiled leaning down to kiss me. "We have a while."

"Can I stay right here?" I smiled causing her to giggle that perfect giggle.

"Sure, I'll wake you up in a bit." She smiled as I put my head back on her chest I felt her kiss my head as I started to drift off.
"Babe?" I could hear Lauren's beautiful voice after a while. "Wake up."

The brunette chuckled when I tightened my hold on her waist and groaned.

"Come on. We have rehearsal in fifteen." She added kissing my forehead as I looked up.

"Do we have to?" I asked my voice still raspy from just waking up.

"Trust me I wish we didn't." She smiled sadly.

I wish I could just stay right here forever. I watched her for a moment. She was so beautiful. I smiled leaning up and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" She asked with a smirk as I pulled away.

"You're beautiful." I smiled.

"I've got nothing on you." She smiled kissing me again. "But thank you."

We watched the girls rehearsal for a while. It was funny how different they were from the actual shows. None of them really cared during rehearsal and kept fooling around.

"DINAH!" Camila chased the youngest around the stage.

"Awh guys Shawn just texted Mila!" The taller one said holding the phone over her head so the Cuban couldn't reach.

"Tell him we say hi." Ally smiled looking up from her phone while sitting on the edge of the stage.

"Will you please give it back!?!" Camila said jumping to reach for her phone. "This isn't funny anymore."

"Yes it is." Normani argued laughing when the brunette glared at her.

"You want it? Go get it!" Dinah said throwing the phone toward me.

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