Chapter 25

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Your POV

Surprisingly it only took a week of therapy to get the okay from my doctor to start playing the guitar again. So today we were back in the studio to record our album.

With only a short time until it was set to drop we had to get moving on recording and finishing up with what tracks we wanted to use.

Almost five hours into recording we finished up with our third song and we decided to take a short break and get some lunch.

"Can we order a pizza?" Austin asks. "I could really use a slice with pepperoni right about now." He adds patting his stomach and putting his bass down.

"Sure." Jason agreed as we all nodded.

"I'll call." Ashley said holding up her phone and heading out the door.

"I'm gonna go to the washroom." I said getting up and heading out the door.

I slowly make my way down the hallway while scrolling through Twitter and humming one of the songs we just recorded.

Once finished in the washroom I walk back out and head outside to get some fresh air. Leaning against the wall for a moment I continue replying and following some of our fans.

"You didn't call." I hear a voice after a moment.

I look up and see green eyes staring at me causing me to instantly feel sick to my stomach. The other girls give me a sad smile before heading into the building, leaving me alone with Lauren.

"I meant to." I stated. "I just...I've been really busy with therapy and this album."

"You didn't even have five minutes?" I questioned giving me a knowing look.

"I'm sorry okay." I replied putting my phone in my pocket and moving off the wall. "What was I supposed to say?"

"I don't know. Something." She shrugs. "Maybe tell me what's going on in your head."

I look at her for a moment before noticing a couple people taking pictures of us. I take her hand and lead her into the studio looking for somewhere a little more private.

"I'm scared Lauren." I say once I find an empty room. "I'm confused and I really don't know what I think of all this."

"What are you so scared of?" She questions. "Me?"

"I don't want to have my heart broken again." I answer as a sad look comes over her face. "I'm scared if I let you back in it's going to happen."

"What do I have to do to get you to trust me again?" She questions.

"I don't know." I say.

"At least give me shot." She steps a little closer to me. "Let me prove that I'm not going to hurt you again."

"It's hard Lauren." I sigh.

As much as I want to kiss her every chance I get and cuddle her as we fall asleep, it's just not that easy. Not when both our hearts are the line.

"Let me take you out to dinner." She says after a moment. "Just one date."

"Lauren..." I start but she cuts me off.

"We can take things slow and work on you trusting me again." She adds. "I know it's going to take time."

"Okay." I agree after a moment and she smiles causing me to smile a little myself. "But we take it slow."

Final Five (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now