Chapter 31

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Your POV

I turn to head back toward the stairs but I'm stopped when I feel something hard crash into my stomach. This causes me to lose grip on my phone and clutch my stomach before I lose my balance a little.

"What the fuck?" I mumble as I catch my footing and look up.

I don't get a chance to see anything in front of me before receiving a punch to the face. I can already feel a drop of blood on my face as I instinctively cover my nose with my hand.

"What are you doing?!?" I question trying to focus on the figure in front of me. "What did I ever do to you?!?"

"You're such a bitch." An British guy stated. That accent and that voice I knew it but I couldn't really put it together right now.

He quickly gave me another smack to the stomach with whatever it was that was he was using as he continued to laugh. This time I lost my balance and fell over onto my ass.

I looked up as my vision cleared. Of fucking course. I wasn't shocked at all to see who stood in front of me. Brad fucking Simpson and one other guy. I didn't recognize the other guy though. He wasn't one of the guys from his band.

"Brad." I nodded. "Of course."

"What does Lauren even see in you?" He questioned stepping closer.

"Well for starters I'm not a total douchebag like you." I smirked as I started to stand up.

He threw a quick punch connecting with jaw. Normally I would have had a chance to block or dodge it but with everything I was after drinking my reflexes were not good.

"This would be so much more fun if you weren't so wasted." He grinned. "Still entertaining though."

"Fuck you." I spit a out little blood and turned around to go back inside.

"Where to you think you're going?" The other guy I was now facing asked with a smile.

"Back to MY girlfriend." I answered putting emphasis on the word my.

"More like you're little slut." Brad said causing me to turn around. "Like you don't know she's going out on you." He added. "A girl like that with someone like you? It's obvious."

I didn't really have time to think it through but my first reaction was to charge at him and tackle him to the ground, giving him multiple good punches to the face.

I was quickly pulled off of him by his friend who kept my arms tight behind my back. I smirked as I noticed the blood on his face.

"I was going to take it a little easy on you tonight, considering its your birthday and all." He grinned. "But you just made this so much worse for yourself." He added wiping his bloody nose.

"You still won't get her." I stated knowing full well what he wanted. "Lauren's never going to go back to you." I continued as he got closer.

"Oh, but she already has." He smirked.

I watched as he quickly lifted what I now noticed was a bat over his head and swung it full force hitting me right in the stomach causing me to scream out I pain.

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