Chapter 21

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Your POV

I wasn't looking forward to this moment but I knew it had to happen. For both us. We needed to talk about this and the sooner it was over with the better.

"Y/N, I..." The green eyed beauty started stepping around the counter that was in between us.

"Lauren, don't say you're sorry." I cut her off. "I know that. You've texted me everyday telling me that."

"You read those?" She questioned looking a little shocked.

"Every single one." I nodded as I noticed a small smile on her beautiful lips.

"Can I at least explain?" She asked and I nodded before following her out onto the balcony.

I followed her to the railing, pausing to look out over the beautiful city. Neither of us said anything for a moment. We just took in our surroundings as we got our thoughts together.

"I love you." Lauren said turning to face me. "I always have and always will. It doesn't matter what you tell me tonight. I don't care if you never want to see me again or if you want me back in your life some way, either way I will always love you."

"Then why meet with Brad?" I asked. "Especially without telling me and waiting until I was gone."

"I thought he would just apologize and move on." She explained. "I didn't know he was still into me or that he would kiss me."

"But you still let him." I sighed. "Some part of you wanted it."

"That's not true." She shook her head taking a step closer.

"It's not even the kiss that bothers me anymore." I looked up to see her staring at me. "It's the fact that you weren't going to tell me. You were literally going to forget about it and sleep with me." I paused. "I trusted you with everything. I let myself completely fall for you and that's what you did."

"I didn't think it mattered. It meant nothing to me. Nothing at all. I thought telling you would hurt you more than anything and I didn't want that." She said running a hand through her hair. "I didn't want you to hate me. It wasn't until you told me how much I meant to you, that I realized keeping it from you would be worse than just telling you than telling later."

"Lauren, it still fucking killed me!" I yelled. "I've been broken writing stupid songs about you in my room for weeks!" I added. "I don't know where I'd be right now if it wasn't for Camila."

"I know that now." She started staying calm. "I know I should have told you the moment you got back. It was a mistake not doing that. It made everything so much worse and that's my fault."

"I was stupid enough to think that you wouldn't do that." I shook my head thinking back to that night. "Mike told me he saw you that night with Brad. He saw you kiss him and told me."

"What?" The brunette questioned surprised.

"He told me once I got back from the hospital but I didn't believe him. I yelled at him and told him you'd never do that. Not to me. I said he was just jealous that you were with me instead." I paused. "You were acting weird the whole night, being all over me like you were. I blamed the alcohol you'd drank but really you were just feeling guilty about Brad."

Final Five (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now