Chapter 9

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Your POV

@Y/T/N What happened to your beautiful face? #BruisedFinalFive

@Y/T/N @MikeFinalFive What's up with the bruises? #BruisedFinalFive

@Y/T/N Does this have anything to do with Camila chasing you yesterday? #BruisedFinalFive

I woke up pretty early this morning so I decided to check Twitter out. Of course people were wondering why both me and Mike had bruises on our faces during our set last night. They even had it trending worldwide.

There where many different theories and people coming up with their own story's but thankfully nobody put two and two together yet.

Lauren: Hey, you up yet? 😘

Me: I have been for awhile 🙈

Lauren: Wanna join us for some breakfast?

Me: Sure I'll be right out.

I slowly got out of bed and got dressed as quietly as possible, trying not to wake my sister. I quickly brushed my teeth and headed down the hall to the girls suite. I knocked once and waited for an answer.

"Good morning Moron." Camila laughed as she answered the door with white powder in her hair.

"It that Y/N?" I could hear Ally yell from I assumed the kitchen.

"Yeah." The brunette yelled back.

"Tell her to come on its almost done." The small girl yelled again.

"You heard her." The brunette in front of me laughed moving out of the way so I could get in.

We walked into the kitchen to find the other girls throwing flower at each other. Dinah and Normani verses Lauren who I assumed had Camila on her side, while Ally did her best to ignore them and continue cooking.

"What happened in here?" I mumbled due to my fat lip.

"What does it look like?" Dinah laughed and Lauren looked over getting a pile of flower in the face from Normani.

"Babe, your lip got worse." Lauren said wiping the floor out of her face and heading toward me.

"It's fine. Just a little swollen." I mumbled as she ran over it with her finger.

"Let me see." Ally said pushing the brunette out of the way. "It's definitely worse." She agreed.

"Guys I'm fine." I said pulling away. "I've had a fat lip before you know. It's not going to kill me."

"At least put some ice on it." Ally said heading to the fridge.

"Fine." I said siting at the island in the middle of the room.

Just as Ally handed me the ice my phone buzzed notifying me of something on Twitter. I opened it and looked at it.

The band have canceled today's interview and signing. We'll keep you updated.

It dinged again.

We just received this photo from a fan who snuck into yesterday's rehearsal. What happened? *insert pic here*

I clicked on the picture to get a closer look. When it opened I saw myself lying on the stage with Ashley in front of me as Jason had Mike pinned to the wall. You could also clearly seen Austin and the girls shocked reactions.

"Earth to Y/N?" Camila laughed smacking my shoulder. "What kind of pancake do you want?"

"I'm not hungry." I said as my phone when completely nuts.

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