Chapter 11

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Your POV

"Thanks for coming here today guys." Ryan Seacrest said into his mic across the table from us.

"It's our pleasure." Austin replied with a smile.

"So apparently we have a lot to talk about with you guys." The brown haired man started. "Why don't we start with that video of you that leaked?"

"Okay," I said looking to Mike who was seated on the opposite end from me. "That was a long day." I stated not really sure what to say. "We were having trouble with a song that I couldn't seem to hit the notes in."

"I got tired of playing the same song over and over waiting for her to get it and with all the stress and fatigue of touring I lost it." Mike continued. "I went off on her for it and said some things I shouldn't have." He looked at me now. It kind of seemed like he was trying to apologize. "And I am sorry about that."

"I might have said something's I shouldn't have as well." I agreed. "And I definitely shouldn't have hit him." I added.

"Yeah." He agreed. "I shouldn't have hit her either but it was in the heat of the moment and we are brother and sister."

"We fight." I finished for him. "Just like every other set of siblings in the world."

"So you two are okay now?" Ryan asked. I looked at Mike who nodded and smiled.

"I think we are." I smiled at my brother.

"Well that's good to hear." The radio host smiled. "I have one more question about the matter though. A lot of fans seem to want to know the answer."

And there it was. He was going to ask why Lauren's name came up and Mike was going to say she was his. Even though I was the one really in love with her, he got to tell the world she was his.

"Why were you arguing about Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony?" He asked as I twirled my thumbs.

"Actually," Mike started and my stomach tightened. "Lauren and I have been seeing each other for awhile now."

"Really?" Ryan asked. "Then why were you telling your sister that she wasn't good enough for Lauren?" He asked.

"I had a crush on her." I stepped in. "I liked Lauren and when I found out they were dating it hurt." I lied. Somewhat.

"You're into girls?" The host asked.

"I like girls and boys." I admitted for the first time. "I'm bi."

"Are you seeing anyone?" He asked.

"Not right now." I laughed at the irony of the situation.

"You know I could easily set you up with someone." He winked and we all laughed.

"I think I'll be okay for a while." I responded.

We decided not to have me seeing anyone for a while because it would look like a cover. Plus they wanted Pierre and I to been seen together a couple times before we say we're dating. If that even happens, she apparently doesn't think the dramas worth it anymore. She's had a really hard time with the Directioners and didn't want it to start again.

"Enough of that serious stuff." Ashley jumped in. "Didn't you say you had some fan questions for us?"

"That I do." He laughed. "Twitters blowing up as we speak."

The fan questions sucked. They were mostly for Mike about 'his' relationship with Lauren. I hated watching him make things up on the spot while I was sat there answering them honestly in my head. I wanted to answer them myself.

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