2- She is... Meeting

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"You really have to drive slower, Jo." CiCi ordered, as she got out of the car and onto the sidewalk of the large Starbucks.

"Nah, I'd rather not." I respond, locking the doors to my car and following my three best friends into the coffee shop.

"You guys go grab a table; I'm going to grab us drinks." I say, as I stand in the line, in front of a man with dark hair.

As I wait in line, I notice that I was next in line, so I quickly take my wristlet out of my large handbag. "Next, please." The middle-aged man called.

"Hi, can I get a Grande Iced Black Tea named Becca, an Iced Grande with Light Whip Tazo Green Tea Latte for Quinn, a Soy One Packet Honey 3-Scoop Lime Light Soy Milk with Light Whip Orange Mango Smoothie named CiCi, and a Iced Ristretto 5-Shot Grande 2-Pump Sugar Free Vanilla Nonfat 1-Packet Honey Protein Light Soy Milk Awake Calm Tazo Awake Tea Latte for Johanna." I say, as the man frantically wrote it down.

"Your order will be up in a second." He smiled, as I stood off to the side.

For a couple moments, there weren't any drinks coming up. But as soon as I saw my Tea Latte, I was the first to quickly walk to the counter and drink my tea.

I stood to the side again for the other 3 drinks, but this time, there was a guy who came up to me. "I'm Zayn." He bluntly said.

I look to my side, to see a tall, dark haired boy, who looked as if he hadn't shaved in ages and had cute, but messy hair. "Cool," I say back, returning to my drink.

"No, Miss. I'm Zayn. And that's Zayn's drink." He smiled, as I unlocked my lips from the delicious drink and l looked at the name. As my eyes travel back to the supposed boy named, 'Zayn', I noticed that the barista called out my name, along with CiCi's, Becca's, Quinn's.

But before I took a step to grab the drinks, Zayn had taken the cardboard holder and took the only Tea Latte there. He hovered over me, as he tried my drink. "Wow, Tazo Latte, That's a healthy shake you have, I might just have to keep it." He smiled.

As I was about to take my drink, I heard another boy call Zayn's name.

"I've gotta go, Tazo Latte. Thanks for the drink!" He called, as he handed me the cardboard carton with the drinks-minus my latte.

Is he calling me by my order name?

Confused, I make my way through the crowded Starbucks and finally get a chance to set the drinks on the table that the girls were on.

"Why does yours have a guy named, 'Zayn' on it?" Quinn asked, as she opened a protein bar and took a bite after sipping her drink.

I just groaned and sat down next to her. "Just a mix-up, nothing more."

"Still not awake from your 'Stay awake for a week straight, hope to get a boyfriend' Plan?" Becca said, as I realized she called me a lonely girl.

"Guys, I choose to be single. I'm only 20! Right now, dance is my biggest and only priority. Boys, never really make the Top 10 for me..." I said,

To be honest, growing up around fashion editors and all gave me a sense of feminism, but with all the Forbes Male Models I've been hanging out with, boys were always friends to me, and I have never thought of anything more of them. More importantly, I CANNOT for all my life tell if someone is flirting. Even if the guy winks or something, I probably would take it as a joke.

Welcome to the HardCore life of Johanna Eiden Grey.

"But, still! I think it's time that we set you up." Quinn says, smiling at me weirdly, with her hands folded under her chin; as her elbows gently touched the tabletop.

The other girls agreed, and in a split second, all three of them were searching on their contact list on their phones.

"Zach...?" CiCi pondered, "...Nah, that's Becca's boyfriends' name. We don't need two of them." Quinn replied.

"Drew Campbell?" Becca asked, as I wondered if I had seen him before. "Remember we went on tour with Chris Brown and he was the acoustic guitarist?"

"The one with the spiked black hair and blue eyes?" CiCi questioned,

As I figured who he was, now that I think about it, he was cute. But I still don't date. And I told the girls that.

"We know, but you can give him a chance!" Becca encouraged, as she sipped the last bits of her Iced Tea.

I groan, knowing that my best friends, like usual, aren't going to change their minds. And after a couple minutes, Becca had announced. "Bam. I got you a date. He's going to pick you up tomorrow at your place. You two lovebirds are going clubbing!!"

Groaning, and moaning I stood up, collecting the drinks and throwing them out. As I approached the trash cans, my hands met strangers' who also was throwing cartons of empty drinks out. "I'm sorry," I apologize.

Looking up, I notice a boy, no older than 25, who had the curliest hair and greenest eyes. "Why hello there," He smirked, as I just cleaned off my hands. "Hi,"

I planned on leaving the trashcan, so the girls and I could go off to practice, but the guy had other plans. He held my right hand back, preventing me to go any further. "Hi, beautiful. What's your name?" He asked.

"Sorry, don't remember it. Try another time." I confidently say, slipping my hand out of his grip, as I glance back at the shocked guy, trying to approach me, and as soon as I turn back around, I bumped into another guy.

"Whoa, watch where the fuc-..." It was Zayn, I'd notice his Armani smell from last time. "...why hello, Tazo Latte."

"Hi, listen, I know you don't know me well, but I really need you to act like my boyfriend for that creepy guy behind me." I say,

Zayn looked over my shoulder, looking at the guy and smiling from ear to ear. "...Gladly." He smirked.

He pulled me around, wrapping his arm around my waist and squeezing our waists closer and closer(!). As soon as the curly approached us, Zayn kissed the top of my head and the guy stood there, shocked.

"...You- you know him?" The curly haired boy asked. I nodded to his answer, "Okay, then. Bye." The boy said as he shook his head in disbelief and walked away, grinning.

As soon as I thought I was clear, I popped out of Zayn's comforting arm, and thanked him,

"You are very welcome, Tazo Latte, see you around..." he said, swiftly walking away, brushing his shoulder with mine during the process.

I walk back to the girls, and notice that they had seen everything. "You were merely a foot away from 2 hot boys and did nothing?" CiCi asked,

"Are you sure you're straight?" Becca asked as we picked up our bags.

Quinn gasped. "Guys... Maybe she's a lesbian!"

CiCi, Becca and I took a close minute, admiring her inner-childness. And then burst out laughing as we had hopped into the car.

"Yes, Quinn. Jo's a Lesbian." Becca joked, as I backed out of the parking lot, and headed to the arena.


Just to get this clear, I have NOTHING against Lesbians and/or Gays. I think they're the best people in the world to talk to, and they are simply the sweetest, kindest, most trustworthy human beings.

Alright, Time for Beddy Bye, my lovelies.

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Please comment, my fuckerys(:

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