11- She is... Issued

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I woke up to the honking and yelling of the busy morning rush in London. Usually we couldn't hear the honking and yelling when it is a normal morning. But the thing is, it's not a normal morning. It is anything besides normal. Although I had my eyes closed, I knew where I was, on the roof of the building I own. There is the sun shining from behind us, and there are most definitely birds chirping around and dancing in song.

I know that my head is on Zayn’s masculine shoulder, and that he most likely won’t wake up no matter what his surroundings are…

Well, since Zayn isn’t waking up, I know that I have a while alone, to myself, and to just think. I haven’t done that in a while, having Becca around for weeks in my Penthouse, surely made things louder and less, conserved. She was always all over the place, eating ice-cream and cleaning, or watching TV and reading a book, at the same time.

It definitely wasn’t what I was used to, and I guess it’ll be the same, maybe even worse at the boys’ place. But, I’m sure they’ll understand if I need to have an escape…

Under my head, I felt Zayn’s slight movements, signaling that he is about to wake up, so the best thing I thought of, was to act asleep. And sure enough, he wakes up.

His head creeped to mine and he placed his lips to my forehead… “Good Morning, Beautiful.” He lowly whispered, in his god damn attractive morning voice.

I tried not to flinch, but I ended up bursting out in laughter at this boy, who had agreed to catch me. I open my eyes for the first time, and the first thing I saw was Zayn. Perfect with his stubble and hazel eyes, and the confused look on his face. “..What?” he asked scrunching his eyebrows together, and smiling at me.

“Y-you are the complete opposite of what I thought you would be, oh my god, you are so.. so.. oh my god I can’t even right now.” I laughed my heart out right now, I don’t exactly know why it was so funny, but to me, the girl who isn’t used to this, found it entirely amusing.

The chuckle was evident on Zayn’s face, his grin was wide, his eyes were close to being squinted, and yet he seemed mad. “Aw, don’t be mad! I just thought they only did those things in movies!” I said, while stroking his face with my empty hand.

“Alright, alright, make fun of Zayn time is over; let’s go down so we can eat, okay?” He said, getting up, and helping me up by holding out his hand for me to pull.

I skillfully got up without bending my bad knee, but ended up fumbling over my leg, and then stumbling on Zayn, as he caught me.

“Look at that, you fell for me.” Zayn winked, as he helped me stand straight, and smirked as he left. I just stood there, flabbergasted at his comments and actions towards me.

I soon, followed him down the stairs and the two of us appeared in the hallways of the boys’ Penthouse. “There you two are! We’ve been looking all over for you! Come on, it’s time for breakfast.” Liam said, flying his arms all over the place.

“You’re making lots of hand movements,” I joked, moving my arms like his. He just hissed at me, and shooed Zayn and I into Zayn’s room.

“Did he just hiss at me?”

“The weird things that go on in this house… sometimes I think I’m the only normal one here!” Zayn said, grabbing a new shirt from his dresser.

“I don’t know… Harry is pretty hot and averagely annoying,” I say, grabbing my clothes from the bags that Niall had spread across the floor.

I didn’t know my comment would have made as big of an impact as it did on Zayn, but when am I right about him?”What did you say?” he asked, obviously joking.

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