Chapter 3: Hogwarts Forever

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Ally's POV-
Today was the day we were leaving Leaky Cauldron to go to Hogwarts.
I took a quick shower and put on one of Alex's Funny Comment Shirts. We agreed on 'There's No Way You Woke Up Like That.' as mine and 'I Woke Up Like This' for hers. I wore blue washed jean shorts and I made my hair pink and purple. I wore uggs like Alex except mine were camel and hers were gray. (I'm saying camel as a color that's like a camel.) She put her hair up in a no show ponytail holder, halo, braid. I flat ironed my blond purple pink hair. As I walked downstairs I heard, "The flirting thing with Ally isn't working? What do I do?" asked Harry.
"Try harder." Ron said.
"Hi guys." I said randomly. Harry looked at me red in the face.
"Hi." he mumbled.
"Help him Ally." Ron pleaded.
I went over and kissed his cheek. He grabbed my hand. Ginny looked mad at me? "Hi Gummy Ginny." I said.
"Hi Ally Jelly." she said. What? We were bored.

On the train
"I'm bored." I complained.
As to interest me, the train stopped.
"Are we there?" Ron asked. Wow Ronald McDonald.
"No we can't possibly be there yet." Said Hermione. I looked over at the teacher. His name was R.J. Lupin. Guess what? Someone has three kids! Liam Lupin, Tara Lupin, Dawn Lupin are his kids.
The lights went off. It got cold. Tara and Dawn closed there eyes and spoke, "A person who we called friend is close to an end. A man who's dead was never chopped to bread (A/N Don't ask). And When it's dark you must listen for a bark." They finished as they opened their eyes.
"Did we have another vision again?" Dawn asked.
"Yup." Alex said popping the 'P'.
I shivered. A figure that looks like a death thing comes towards me. I see my bad memories.
A little girl was shoved to ground and was called dumb.
That little girl was older and risked her life to be called stupid by her crush.
The girl was kicked out of her house because she broke a lamp without trying.
That girl was called worthless and stupid and is so unlike her father who did 'great' things.
The girl was screaming in horror as Tom Riddle said Curio in a dream.
The little girl was a tiny bit smaller and Qurriel said Curio.
I woke up and gasped for air. Harry had woken me up. I hugged him tight.
"Here have some chocolate." said Mr. Lupin. I took the chocolate and nibbled on it. I felt warmth spread through my body. I nudged Harry to eat his. We both sat down again but Harry hugged me close so he felt like he could protect me.
"What was that?" he asked.
"A dementor." Professor Lupin said, "They suck your soul." That just made Harry hold me closer.

Once we got off the train Mcgongal called Alex, Harry, Hermione, and me.
"Harry are you okay?" she asked once we reached her office.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure I can go get Madam Promfey."
"Yes. Professor Lupin gave me chocolate."
"He's a smart man."
"Actually he gave Harry chocolate but that doesn't mean Harry ate it which he didn't." I cut in.
Harry glares at me with a death glare. I give him a smirk to get on his nerves.
He drags his finger over his neck meaning your dead.
I just stuck my tongue at him.
"Any way I want to talk to Ms. Ally, Alex, and Hermione in private."
Harry left, thank god.
"It took me forever to get this from the Ministry but here are your time turners. You will use them only for classes unless you have permission. Good luck girls." she said.

After they sorted the first years we listened to Dumbledore introduce Professor Lupin. He said beware Black. Yeah we know. We looked over a Slytherien's table which was Malfoy doing faints and the whole table laughing. I knew it was about Harry and I. I overheard George saying, 'He wasn't so funny when he almost wet his pants.' I walked over to him and slapped his face. "That was for being a jerk to everyone even those who care about you. Even though you are a git and a drama queen, oh and yeah I mean queen cause you act like a two year old girl." I said as I walked back to our table.
"He's an attention needing ferret, he deserved it." Harry said.

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