Chapter 19: Ditching and Murder

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Alex's POV
Today in insect's class or tea lady's class we were looking into glass—sorry crystal balls.
"You need to broaden your minds."
"May I try?" Hermione asked.
"I see the Grim."
"I knew you didn't have the power of seers unlike Dawn and Tara."
Hermione got up and knocked over the crystal ball. Then she stormed off. Dawn and Tara froze in place.
"A person who we called friend is close to an end. A man who's dead was never chopped to bread (A/N Don't ask). And When it's dark you must listen for a bark." They finished as they opened their eyes.
Ally had gone after Hermione right after she heard our seers speak. I walked out of class and found Hermione crying and Ally soothing her.
"Hey I am just never gonna go back to that class again!" Hermione said.
"Okay, me too." Ally said.
"Me three." I said. We didn't like that class anyways.

A man sharpened his axe.
"You fowl loathe evil little cockroach!" Hermione screamed once we turned the corner and saw Malfoy and his dumb sidekicks. She raised her wand at his throat. Ally and I came to her side glaring at Malfoy's sidekicks.
"Hermione no!"
Hermione, Ally, and I punch the person in front of us. Then we gave each other high fives.
"I wish you let me hit Malfoy though." Ally said. Malfoy has a crush on Ally. She would say Hey Crusher you are about to get Crushed, or something like that. The we walked over to Hagrid's.
"Y'all can't be 'ere." Hagrid said, "but I do 'ave something for Ron."
Hagrid pulled out Scabbers, Ron's rat. Ron held him tight.
"Dumbledore and 'udge are comin' start movin'." Hagrid said shooing us away. We ran and hid behind some pumpkins. Then when Dumbledore and Fudge weren't look we ran up the hill. Then we watch as the man held the axe up high. I crawled into Harry's shoulder. Then we heard crows fly away. Scabbers then bit Ron and ran with Ron following him. Then a big black dog (the grim) grabbed Ron's leg. The dog pulled Ron away. The rest of us chased after  the grim. Soon the womping willow hit Hermione in her stomach. I grinned. Ally thought  hard.
I was sure that she would do that. I crawled into the womping willow. They soon followed as soon as they saw the door open. We crawled around the turning passageway and soon we came to some light. We walked into a room. Soon, we noticed how old it looked.
"We're in the shrieking shack!" Mione hissed.  We climbed up  a staircase to a room we heard gasps of air. Ron was hyperventilating. Oh Ron. I face palmed. When Ron saw us he started pointing behind us.
"It's him! It's him! It's him," Ron gasped. Who was it? Voldemort? No! It was Sirius Black! I turned around to see a murder stare at me in the eyes. His eyes were a milky brown but they showed crazy in them. His curly black hair was ripped and torn like fabric. He was still wearing his ugly uniform. His skin was dirty and bruised. I pitied him. I burst into tears of reality. Sirius looked at me, and the craziness in his eyes was gone. His eyes watered but didn't cry.
"Alexandra Melissa Black?" Sirius questioned.
"Yup, that's me..."
He hugged me, like it counted for the thirteen years I never had a father for.
"I'm Ally Crouch, Alex's best friend."
"Can you change?"
"Of course. That's how we became friends."
"Please go change into the bathroom and leave. Now!"
You could tell Harry, Liam, and Ron were confused but Mione got it. Ally and I ran into the bathroom and changed into foxes. Then we saw an open window. The jump was 'bout ten feet. Could we survive the jump. Before I knew it Ally had jumped. I jumped down too. We saw Lupin go in. Then Snape went in. Ally and I ran until we found a really tall tree. Ally changed into a hawk and picked me up and flew to the highest sturdy branches. Then she dropped me onto one and sat onto another. She changed into a human and got out her wand. Automatically we were in a huge tree house. There was two rooms. One room had a cooler, one had two sleeping bags. The one with the cooler had a blanket, our phones (which I got one for my thirteenth birthday which was a month before Ally's) and a few books. There also was an Ipad. In the room with sleeping bags was a picture of me as a fox and a picture of Ally as a humming bird. There were two pillows and two blankets. Ally unfolded the sleeping bags and placed the pillows and blankets on them. Then I noticed a suitcase.
"So what now?" I asked.
"I dunno, I just waved my wand and hoped for the best."
I my lip curled upwards, into a complete smile. I wonder what's happening. As soon as it became dark Ally and I ate tacos, which the cooler gave us whatever food we wanted. I gave Ally a confused look. She shrugged and said, "Lust Rich Man, the spell for enteral food." So if she did the spell on a table, whoever touched the table would get the food they wanted, even if it was so big it fell off the table.
We soon crawled into our sleeping bags with our clothes still on.
"Good night, Ally Ellie Crouch."
"Good night, Alexandra Melissa Black."
Then we fell asleep.

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