Chapter 20: We Are Fine!

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Ally's POV
We slowly fell asleep last night. I yearned for some warm pancakes I didn't need to cook for myself. I clicked on my phone and saw the time, June 2nd, 6:30 a.m.
I got dressed while Alex was asleep. I quickly combed out my hair. I walked over to the cooler and sat down. Pancakes....
I opened the cooler and pulled out a plate with one big pancake with whipped cream. I ate it slowly when Alex woke up. After my pancake was gone, my throat went dry. Great, a sore throat. I opened the lid of the cooler and thought about water. Orange juice wouldn't do me any good (A/N this is true) and I grabbed the water and drank it down in 15.1 seconds. Alex was having toast and milk. My throat still was stiff. Alex went to change. I was wearing a really cute ghost long sleeve T-shirt. I wore jeans and a North Jacket and some ugg boots that matched. My hair was pink and orange and a emoji IPhone case. Alex came out wearing black and white T-shirt, with jeans and grey ugg boots. She also wore a white North jacket and a cute ghost emoji IPhone case.
"Okay Alex we are going to split up so we can find Ron, Hermione, Liam, and Harry quicker."
"How are we going to stay in contact?"
"Phone." I said blankly.
We soon split up.
Alex: Nothing in the common room...😕
Me: Nothing in the Great Hall. 😬
Alex: Nothing in charms, except first years....opps?
Me: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Alex: What
Me: In The Hospital Wing! They are about to use the time turner!!😫Come quick!!!!!!!!
Alex: I AM ON MY WAY!!! 😨
I walked in and they saw me. Harry gasped. Hermione was shocked. Hermione unwrapped the time turner off of Harry. Mione ran to me and hugged me.
"Where in the world have you been? We thought you were dead!"
I lifted my head up to her ear and whispered, "I will tell you when Harry is not around."
She nodded. "Alex is on her way, so can we wait a few min-," Alex came in, "Or a second." Alex and I pulled out our time turners and changed them to Hermione's time. We flipped them and then we popped in to a empty Hospital Wing. We ran to where we punch Malfoy and his goons. When Malfoy stormed our way we jumped into the bushes. As the past us walked to Hagrid's, we ran to the pumpkins. Then it came to Hermione, "Dumbledore said we could save more than one life!"
Buckbeak turned his head our way.
Hi Buckbeak, I have missed you.
Me too.
I walked up to his pole that he was tied onto.
"Y'all can't be 'ere." Hagrid said, "but I do 'ave something for Ron."
I ducked as Alex looked thorough the window.
"Dumbledore and 'udge are comin' start movin'."
I saw Dumbledore and Fudge start to walked down the hill. I hid behind a pumpkin. The past us ran to the pumpkins we were at and we hid in the patch of trees behind them. Once the past us ran up the hill I started again. I grabbed the knot and lifted it up. I grabbed the Ferrets and slowly retreated with Buckbeak. Then we waited.
"When I got attacked by dementors-" Harry started.
"You got attacked by dementors!" I said.
"Yes—someone saved me and I think it was my dad."
"That's impossible! Your dad is—" Hermione started?
"Dead, I know."
Then we saw a were wolf casing Harry. I knew it was Lupin. He almost got Harry when I shouted,"Awhoooo! Awhoooooo!" The wolf turned to our direction and we ran. We hid behind a tree. We heard growling when we unhid Lupin was staring straight at us. Buckbeak jumped out and pecked at the wolf. I almost screamed but Harry wrapped his hand around my mouth. Alex, Hermione, Harry, and I ran. We saw Liam get attacked by Lupin. No wonder Liam stayed behind. We ran to the lake where Harry got attacked by dementors.
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry shouted. He saved himself not his dad. We got onto Buckbeak and we flew to the Astrometry Tower, were Black was. Once there we got off and Hermione, Alex, and I exploded the cell door open. I knew he was innocent! Why didn't Harry and Hermione tell us that?
Sirius hugged Alex. He kissed her forehead. Then he smiled at us.
"You kids aren't so bad. Oh and Ally why didn't you tell Harry at the beginning of the year about me. You should have at least told Alex at the beginning of the year."
"Sorry," I murmured. Alex shrugged.

That Is The End Of Year Three....
I can't believe my series has made it so far! 2K on my first book! Thanks guys! Next year is coming soon... I can't believe I will be on the fourth book already! 😇😂😂😂

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