Chapter 13: I, Ally Crouch, Beheaded Thou Harry Potter...

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Ally's POV-
(When the boys rush in)
"Ally, Alex," Harry screamed, "Come on, you missed dinner and the lady in the painting has been attacked by Sirius Black."
When I heard Sirius Black it took me back to my memory with Arthur.
"Tell me everything you know about Sirius Black now, I need to know." I said after Harry was no where to be found.
"Sirius Black is the father of Alex Black. Don't tell her that just yet. Black traded Harry's parents' hiding spot into You-Know-Who."
"Voldemort." I muttered
"Don't say that name. Any way if Harry finds out you know what he would do. He would hunt Black down. At first I thought Harry knew but he asked why. I don't want you to hunt him down either."
"Okay." I said with a frown.
I wish I could tell Alex or Harry because I know that they are going to find out, find out I knew, then kill me. Not really, but...
Alex is probably (knowing her) thinks that it is a coincidence. I mean she doesn't know a thing about her father. As I zoned out I realized Harry was dragging me down to the Great Hall. I could fall asleep. My mind kept on going back to my thinking at the end of the memory. I wish I could tell Alex or Harry because I know that they are going to find out, find out I knew, then kill me. Not really, but...
I knew Alex was going to be smart enough to find out. Maybe not now but later. Before I knew it, Dumbledore and Snape were talking.
"They are just kids!" Dumbledore complained, "they don't need this now."
"What about Ally. What makes her different from the rest? Why does she know? You need to change that," Snape said promptly.
"Ally thought she wanted to know. Then after she heard I'm pretty sure she would like it erased from her memory. But there is only one spell to do that and that would erase her complete memory."
Oh I wouldn't mind that at all. I don't like my memos.

Next day at breakfast
"Hey, who's this Black guy." Alex asked.
"I don't know," stated Harry, "Arthur didn't want me to go hunting Black down though, I wonder why."
"I don't know," I lied.
"I anyone knows anything, time to say it now," Ron pressed.
"Hey Alex Black, maybe he's your father." Harry joked.
I glared at him.
Alex got up and left the table going to the probable bathroom.
I dragged my left hand across my neck. I, Ally Crouch, beheaded thou Harry Potter. He gave me a confused look.
"Don't give Alex anymore ideas," I said.
I ran off to the bathroom were Alex had tear drizzling down her cheeks and neck. Her tears made a soft splash on her shirt.
"Alex, are you all right?" I asked.
"I don't know, I mean what if my father is Sirius Black?" She asked with a few more tears. Great Harry, thanks a lot. Hmm. I tell Alex my secret.
"Oh Alex!" I said hugging her.
"Pleasssseeeee forgive me!!!" I said continuing.
"For what?" Alex asked.
"For knowing but not telling."
"Wait! You knew something but didn't tell me?"
"Yeah, if I tell you will you forgive me?" I asked.
"Yes or no. Not a single maybe."
"Sirius Black is your father. Black traded Harry's parents' hiding spot into Voldy Moldy. He is also Harry's godfather."
" know.." Alex said.
"Here come on. I am still tired plus, we get to sleep in our new beds!"
When we got to the common room we heard screaming. We ran up to the girls dormitory.
"I love it!" Ginny screamed.
"So do I!!" Hermione yelled.
I stood on Ginny's new bed and took a bow. Their eyes widened in shock.
"I wanna new makeover!" Lavender said whining.
"Maybe you should have been nicer to me in first year." I said.
Lavender started crying. What a big baby.

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