Chapter 6: What A Stronger Friendship?

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Alex's POV-
I re-dyed the tips of my hair pink again cause I loved the look last year. I asked Ally if she wanted to go for a run.
"Not really but, I want to bond with you more."
We got dressed into running out fits and went outside. We decide to run completely around the castle, once. We talked as we ran. Ally kept on falling backwards at some points but I helped her keep up.
"Don't you think our Divination teacher looks like an insect?" She asked still forgetting all the teachers names except the main ones.
"Yes!" I said.
"By the way I like you hair." She said.
"Thanks." I said.
Once we made it all around we paused to find our breath. Hermione came to us and dragged us inside.
"WE NEED TO STUDY!" she yelled and knocked both of our heads with our Transfiguration books.
"We have all the time in the world Hermione." Ally reasoned.
"Yeah remember?" I agreed. She slapped our heads again with her book.
"Okay, okay." We surrendered. We went upstairs and grabbed all of our books. We dropped them off and grabbed the rest of the books and parchment. We dipped our quill in the ink and started writing. Soon we got bored and messed around. We made sure our bedroom had no Ginny in it and changed into foxes when Hermione was in the bathroom. We dipped our paws in the ink and took a piece of parchment. We places our paw prints all across the page. Then we had an ink fight. I poured ink over Ally's head, while she 'cuddled' with me to get me dirty. Then Hermione walked out to see us, ink stained foxes, trying to look innocent. She glared at us and told us to get back to work. Sigh.

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