Chapter 7: The Crazy Lady Has Lost It

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Ally's POV-
I yawn and stretched.
"Yup." Alex said sheepishly.
We took turns taking showers. I put on my funny tee, 'Sarcasm University: Eye Rolling and Sass Major' My hair was dark, dark purple and pink. I had white jean shorts and grey converse. Thus is while Alex wore a grey, comfy tank top, Jean shorts, and lime green converses. I thought for a moment than an idea popped into my brain.
"Hey Alex?"
"I wondered if you wanted the tips of your hair to change colors?"
"Heck Yeah!"
I mustered at my energy and touched Alex's tips. I was blasted backwards into a wall while Alex gasped.
"How long does it last?" she asked.
I was still recovering from the bang of the wall but said, "Twenty-four hours. Just to let you know, I am never doing that again."
"Oh look at my hair though!"
I gasped as I saw blonde hair with THREE different shades of blue for tip. Aren't I awesome? Us three skipped off to class as boys gaped at my masterpiece.

(At dinner)
We walked down to dinner as we calmed of the rushy mess of class (to my surprise rushy is a word!).
Alex and I held onto each other to keep steady. Hermione was the only one calm. I remember Potions....
We hurried onto potions as I grabbed my homework. I slipped in into my backpack the ran to catch up to the others. I slipped my time turner down my shirt so the boys couldn't see it (btw it's a necklace) I stayed close to my friends.

Once we got to potions Snape asked for our homework. I took mine out not really looking at it and handed it to him. He glared at the paper. He shoved the paper into my face and to my shock it wasn't my homework. It was the ink stained paw print parchment.
"Is this some kind of joke Miss Sentairo?" he hissed.
"No just the wrong parchment." I said as I dived into my bag. I pulled out the real homework handed it to him and grabbed the parchment with the paw prints.
Once we were at the Great Hall we began to eat. I ate mashed potatoes, green beans, and chicken with gravy on top. Once we were all done eating Dumbledore rose.
"Second years, Third years, and Fourth years' ball is in two days. Every second, third, and fourth year must come." he said calmly then sat down. Yay! (please note the heavy sarcasm) Another ball with way too much drama.
I might post again tonight. I don't know. Just letting you know that.

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