Chapter 16

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Spinning on her heels, Rima spun around, shifting one foot back in a defensive posture.

Rima froze as she came face to face with a short man in a hat that had... no nose or ears...

The man smiled big, the stitches that covered most of his face looking like they were going to rip apart.

"Oh~! Such good reflexes! Just like everyone thought..,"The man noted to himself,"... An you're so pretty! Sasaki-San, why didn't you tell us she was so beautiful!?"

Rima tensed up again as the man grabbed her hand an started to lean closer. She knew he wasn't a threat, so she wasn't going to attack, but she didn't know the man at all.

An to be completely honest... He kind of scares her...

"Tell me Hizake-San...."The stranger asked as his face was just inches away from Rima's,"... How was it being inside the Aogiri Tree?"

"W-What?..."Rima muttered, her eyes wide an her pupils as small as pen tips.

"What torture methods did they preform on you?"

"I d-don't know-"

"Were they physical or mental? You know I prefer physical! Di-"

"*Kijima-san*! Stop harassing the poor girl, and please sit back down..."Another male voice ordered.

The stranger - Kijima - held Rima's stare for a moment, doing nothing but just smiling an staring at her before he stepped back, dropping her hand.

"My apologizes, Hizake-san. It seems I got a little carried away... Please forgive me.."Kijima bowed his head a little.

Rima was able to calm down only when Sasaki walked up beside her, subtly an softly brushing his hand up against hers.

Rima held her hands up, shaking them back an forth, an awkward smile on her face.

"Oh no, no! Its ok! You just startled me is all! You don't have to apologize!"

Kijima smiled,"So nice..."He mumbled.

Sasaki turned to Rima, nodding his head towards everyone in the room,"This isn't everyone, but still, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Rima blushed lightly an nodded her head. Turning towards everyone in the room, Rima bowed all the way down from her waist.

"Third-Ranked Investigator Hizake Rima. It's a pleasure to meet all of you."Rima said, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she bowed.

Sasaki smiled. Rima was so proper.

Kijima smiled,"Hello there Hizake-san, I'm Associate-Class investigator Kijima Shiki. And I should say, the pleasure is all mine..."

Rima stood up slowly from her bow, a small smile an her lips as she gave Kijima a nod,"Kijima-san..."

"I guess it's my turn now..."Another male voice spoke, making Rima look over.

That was when Rima caught sight of a male, around the same age as her or maybe Sasaki, he had straight black hair, his bangs cut straight across his forehead in a straight line with the right side being just a half an inch higher, them just barely brushing his eyebrows, an the front of his hair looked to be a little longer then the back.

The man stepped infront of Rima, his arm by his side as he bowed his head just like Kijima.

"Special-Class Investigator Koori Ui. It nice to have you join us on this case. I've heard a lot about you an have high expectations..."Koori said, looking straight into Rima's eyes.

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