Chapter 32

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"... Everything is to go as planned, do you understand?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"One wrong move. One wrong word, and this whole thing will be for nothing.."

"I get it okay?"

"If you do not do as you were expected, expect to not receive your payment."

"I get it! Now stop lecturing me like I'm a little kid!"

"... I will only say this once...."

"... Yes?..."

"... If I do not have Hizake Rima in my possession within a week... I will have your head."

With Rima...

It has been a few days since Rima was at Choutaru's house, an now the blonde was currently lying in her bed, face flat into the mattress and her blankets a mess.

She was trying to figure out what Sasaki had told her after they left her black haired friends house. She had called him Kaneki?

Sure she remembers doing it before, back when she first woke up from her coma, but that was because she wasn't quite right in the head.

I called him Kaneki? Rima huffed inside her mind. Of course he looks like him and everything but... that was just down right rude. Haise-kun knows that he resembles Kaneki-kun a lot and I know it's hard for him. What with everything else without me saying things like that...

Rima groaned out loud, pushing her face farther into the mattress. She shouldn't be doing that to Sasaki, but how can she stop it? Last thing she remembers was looking up at the sign above Uta's door, and then it's black, then the next thing she knows she's at Choutaru's.

At least it's better then when she first woke up an thought she had just left Akira.

"What is wrong with my brain... why can't I remember right?..."Rima breathed out quietly. She wished Sasaki was here to help her relax. The now almost fully black haired male was currently out on an errand run an wouldn't be back until late.

"Maybe I should go see if Shirazu-Kun or Mutsuki-Kun want to hang ou-"

Just as Rima braced her palms flat against the sheet to push herself up, it felt like someone just stomped down on the back of her head, her arms instantly losing strength, and her head face planting once more.

"Wah!"Rima gasped.

My sweet little child...

Rima's pupils dilated.

Nothing is wrong with you...


The darkness that had taken over Rima's sight by being pressed into the sheets was over taken by the image of a floating woman with long purple hair.

A woman Rima knew all too well...

"R-Rize-San!"Rima choked out, a violent shiver running down her spine at the sight of the dangerous woman,"W-what!? How? I thought-t you we-were dead!?"

Rize reached a hand out, her long slender fingers gently running over Rima's cheek.

Now how could I be dead when I'm alive inside of you?..

Rima instantly felt sick at that thought.

"I don't understand..."

Rize slowly shifted her body closer to Rima's, wrapping her arms around her body, pulling her close.

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