A Kiss

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  • Dedicated to Tracy Debra Betts

Bonus chapter :) Kinda. Well, I have to write more, and I'll get back to you on that. Well, here it is! Hope you like it~

Alex's POV

Smiling, I entered my bedroom. It was a mess. The cupboards and bookshelves were toppled over, shattered glass everywhere. My four poster bed was broken, lying in pieces on my carpeted floor. 

But I didn't see any of it. All I could see was a little note on the floor. It read:

Dear Idiot,

That was a warning. If she finds out about anything else, I will make sure to kill her. And guess who'll be sent back to school? I'll even kill the cat. 

Sincerely, you-know-who

in big, bubbly letters. I flipped the paper over, and on the back, written in the same kind of way were symbols. To a normal earthling, I would have no idea what it could be. But, I'm not normal. 

I rushed to Amy's room, dreading the worst. I opened the door, and she was still there, alive and happy, playing with Stark. 

Relieved, I went back to my room and cleaned up a bit.


Amy's POV

Stark was sprawled across my pillow, fast asleep. I got up, took off my damp clothing, hung them up, and stepped into the shower. I scrubbed my hair and body until I was sure there was no trace of dirt left on my skin. I dried myself off, and scrounged around my bag until I found some comfortable clothes. I put on a purple and white plaid shirt, and jeans. 

I snuck out of my room, closing the door quietly behind me. The door to Alex;s room was ajar, so I went inside. It was so tidy, and reminded me of a hotel room. The only trace that someone was even in here at all was a note on the floor. 

I bent down and picked it up. I was about to read it, when all of a sudden Alex appeared behind me and snatched the note. I screamed.

Alex's POV

"Where the hell did you come from?" she shrieked, clutching her chest. I froze. Uh-oh. I shouldn't have shifted to her. Whoops. But I did have to. It was faster than running, and otherwise she would have read the note, and got all scared, and demanded an explanation. And I can't give her one. I do not want to be sent back to school. I'd rather die again. What can I...

Amy pulled me from my thoughts by taking the note back. I was about to take it back, but she had already read it. I was to late. She turned to me, her face pale. 

"W-w-w-what? Alex, what's g-going on?" She stuttered. I panicked, so I did the only thing I knew would help. I kissed her.

Stay tuned for the next part! Comment, vote, Like. 

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