The Girl In The Woods

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Finally figured out what was going to happen! Yay! So, here it is.

-Amy's POV-

I was walking around the yard with Stark, watching him chase bugs and butterflies, when I heard it. A person. I heard,

"SHIT!" I froze, scared. There was someone in the woods, someone close. The voice sounded eerily familiar, but I didn't stop to think about it. I grabbed Stark, cradled him close to me, and took off for the house. I flew inside, and saw Alex on the couch. 

"Alex," I panted, putting Stark down. When he saw my expression, he jumped up, concerned. 

"What is it?" He asked, concerned. 

"I heard someone." I choked out. His head snapped up to look outside the open door, and before knew it, he was out the door, closing it behind him. I knew by doing that he meant "Amy stay here and don't look out the window." It was just like him. I opened the door without thinking, and ran outside. Alex was talking to a girl, with incredibly long blond hair. They looked like they were arguing.

"The girl in the wood!" I exclaimed, then wished I hadn't said it. Her head whipped up and she smiled as her eyes met mine. 

"Well if it isn't your little princess." She mocked. 

"You know very well I'm her guardian." He said defensively.

"Prince, guardian, it makes no difference to me darling." She said, and side-stepped Alex. He made no movement to stop her, his body remained rigid. She walked over to me. 

"So Amy, I would've thought you'd ask who I was by now, but I guess you don't care much for manners." 

"Well, who are you?" 

"Shadow." She said, "You should really be afraid of me." 

"And why?" I asked, suddenly feeling brave.

"Because you are like ice, and I am fire." She said. 

"Really?" I asked, not missing a beat, "You didn't seem so hot when you were cursing like mad before you got here. What happened to you anyway?" 

"She stepped in Starks feces" Alex suddenly said, and I had to shove my fist in my mouth to stop from laughing.

"Shut up!" She said, stomping her foot on the ground. All at once, it felt like the world was frozen, and it was jut me and Shadow who were still able to move. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end, and I was scared, very scared, but I tried not to show it. 

"Little girl, don't mess with me." She said, almost playfully. The wind picked up, and my hair was flying wildly all over the place. But her long hair remained steady all around her. Her brown eyes weren't brown anymore but a shade of dark green, with flecks of orange that were clearly visible. I was trying to glare at her, to make myself look tougher, but I felt like a little child inside. A little child being taught a lesson.

"Now," She continued, circling me, "You aren't even supposed to be alive, little girl, is that right?" She asked. I didn't answer, I didn't even move. But she got forceful. It felt like someone took over my body, and forced me to nod. When I didn't cooperate at first, is felt like it was shocking my body from the inside, and I couldn't even scream in agony. I gave up fighting, and my head went up and down. She kept control of my body, while still circling me.

"And you're not supposed to know what Alex is." She said. She made me nod again, and I did so, numbly.

"So this is why we have to kill you." She grinned at me, "Do you still want to die?" I could feel the words rushing to come out of my mouth. I clamped my mouth shut, fighting with myself to not say, "Yes,".

"Oh my my my, we have a Strong little girl, don't we?" She said, but she did something unexpected. She let me go. I let my body relax a little. 

" Oh no, we're not done yet little girl. We're going to bring your sweet little guardian into the fight!" She said gleefully, and suddenly Alex started looking around, and not just still anymore. He looked at me, and at Shadow. Shadow just smiled, and I felt pain rushing at me from all sides. I screamed, wanting nothing more than to crawl up in a little ball and make the pain stop. It felt as if everything around me was nothing but pain. 

"Stop it!" He yelled, "It's not her you want to hurt! It's me!" 

"But I can't hurt you darling." She said, smiling. It felt as if she cranked up the volume, and pain collided with my body, making it spasm uncontrollably. I felt as if I had any more of this, my mind would explode. 

"Yes, yes you can." He said softly. Suddenly the pain stopped, and I let out a sigh of relief. I fell to the ground, and my body wanted nothing more than to just give in to the blackness that was clouding my vision, but my mind wanted to stay awake, see what was happening next.

"And you forgot to tell me all these years?" She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked weakly.

"Darling, let me tell you, I'm your little Angel's ex girlfriend." 

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