The After-effects of an Angel's kiss

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-Amy's POV-

I was lying on the couch, completely dazed. I tried to remember how I got on the couch, but couldn't. It was all a big blur. I sat up, and stretched my arms out, yawning a little. Alex appeared out of nowhere, smiling. That bastard. First he saves me, knocks me out twice, brings me to a mental hospital, and now is telling me I have to live here. And he's smiling! I hate him. He sat down on the couch next to me, all friendly and happy. 

I slapped him so hard it hurt my hand. His head whipped back to me, a bright red mark on his left cheek. He frowned.

"What was that for?" he asked, completely confused. I glared at him.

"You really have to ask?" I spat, and got up. I stormed into my room, and sat on one of the beds in my room. I was blowing off steam, when a small fluffy object pounced onto my lap. I screamed, thinking it was some kind of mutated bug, when I realized it was a little snowy white kitten. I picked it up, and started stroking it. For some reason, it acted like it already knew me, although I've never seen it before. I was smiling at it, saying things to it in a baby voice. 

"It's name is Stark." Alex said, appearing out of nowhere. He was leaning against the door frame casually. I tried to calm my anger. 

"Where'd  you get it?" I asked.

"I got it as a house-warming present for you." He said. As if that'll make anything better I thought. But really and truly, I've always wanted a cat, and it was nice.

"How'd you know I've always wanted a cat?" 

"I didn't." 

"Can I keep it?"

"It's all yours." 

"Thanks." I said. "This doesn't change anything though." I added. He shrugged, and exited, closing the door behind him. I collapsed on my bed, Stark in my lap, and thought. 

I got up, looking at the time. It was close to nine at night. I saw Stark looking at me, pawing my leg, and I figured that he had to use the bathroom.  I got up, and walked to the door. He bounded off the bed and came trotting after me. I closed the door, and went down the steps. I went outside and felt the cool night breeze. The smell of pine was undeniable. I lifted Stark up, went down the porch steps, and set him down close to one of the trees.  I turned around to give him some privacy. 

When the sound of him using the bathroom stopped, I figured he would come bounding up to me any second. But nothing came. I whirled around, and saw that Stark was missing. 

Panick seized me. I had just got this kitten. He couldn't have gone to far, right? So I started walking through the sea of pines. 

"Stark! Stark baby! We're not playing hide and seek, you know. Time to get back inside!" I shouted, hoping that he was somewhere. I was walking around aimlessly, now lost in the forest. Eventually, I gave up trying to find him, thinking that some tuna would bring him back, I turned around to go back. 

I walked around for hours, before deciding that I was officially lost. And the only hope I had of making it back was by shouting Alex and hoping that he would here me. But no way was I asking Alex to save me. That jerk. Anger boiled up inside me. I started to shout

"You know, if it wasn't for you, I would be happily dead!" I shouted, and kicked the nearest tree as hard as I could.

"Now now, what did the tree ever do to you?" A mocking voice taunted. I turned around, and came face to face with a teenage girl with blond hair and brown eyes. He hair was long, probaly past her butt, and it was in one plait going down her back. She had pale skin, and was dressed in the kinda clothes a girl ninja would wear in the movies. I looked at her, stunned. She took in my expression, and laughed. 

"What? You thought I'd be all emo? As if! Not my kinda thing darling." She laughed. She sounded like a melo-dramatic evil heiress. The way she spoke reminded me of Tanya, from the movie Mamma Mia. I tried to keep my cool.

"Who are you?" I said, sounding calm, while inside I was freaking out. She looked at me as if I told her that the world was going to end unless she dressed up in a monkey suit and ride on the top of an ice cream truck singing "Twinke Twinkle Little Star". 

"What? Dear Alex tells you every little dark secret except for me?" She mocked, circling me. 

"What secrets? We've barely even had a conversation!" I exclaimed. Despite my warnings, I was curious as to what Alex could be hiding. She looked at me, confused at first, then a look of shock passed over her face.

"Pull your hair back.: She ordered. 

"But why..." I started.

"Just do it!" I did as she said, and she looked examined my neck. She looked surprised, and her eyes flickere to mine.

"I can't believe he did that." She whispered, her fingers touching a spot on my neck. 

"What?" I said, frightened. What did he do? What did he do to make her surprised? From what I've gathered, she seemed pretty cocky. What could possibly make her wonder? She turned abruptly, and walked back to where I supposed she entered.

"Well, my time here is done. Do you need help getting back?" She said formally. 

"Um, yeah please." I said. She signalled me to come, and I followed her. She led me silently, only stopping to make a turn. Finally, we reached the clearing. I muttered thanks, and then she went back to the closest pine. 

"Oh, and here's your cat." She said, tossing a white ball of fur to me. I reached out and grabbed him, and he was shaking. He was scared to death, the poor thing. Without another word, she dissappeared into the forest. Stroking Stark, I walked back into the house. Alex was sitting on the couch, tense. When he saw me walk in quietly, he visibly relaxed. 

"How was you're outing?" He said, either angry or happy, I couldn't tell.

"What did you do to me?" I asked quietly. I ahd to know why that girl was acting so weirdly. He snapped his head, all his attention on me.


"I said, what did you to do me?" My voice raised. He jumped up.

"What did she tell you?" He asked.


"What. Did. She. Tell you?" He asked again, more forcefully. 

"Only that you did something to me now what was it?" I shouted. I was getting very frustrated. He looked at me, getting more annoyed by the second. Then, all of a sudden, he ran out the door, muttering I'll be back.  

And I watched him go, wondering how did my life become so complicated.

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