Chapter 11

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A.n- this chapter is going back to Lyric's point of view. Hope you enjoy!

I woke up to the sound of Natalie in the shower, so once I got out of bed I heard Luke was knocking on the door.
" Its open."
" Hey Lyric are you going to come downstairs and eat."
" Yhea, I will be down in a few minutes."
Luke shut the door again, and I put on a pair of sweat pants, and a band tee; once I got downstairs Michael and Natalie were playing Mario kart again.
" Michael! Please let me win one race!"
" Nope, I have to beat me fair and square."
" You're no fair!"
After their game I saw Michael doing his happy dance; Calum came downstairs filming a keek.
" So guys here we have two new members to the 5SoS household, say hi to Lyric and Natalie."
" Hi guys I'm Lyric."
" And I'm Natalie."
After Calum says good bye to the camera, Luke called us into the kitchen, where he made French toast for breakfast, well more like brunch because it as noon.
Ashton walked into the kitchen to find all of us eating our brunch.
" Did you guys save some for me?"
" Yes, here Ashton, and the syrup is on the counter."
" Thanks Lyric."
" Hey guys what are we doing today?"
" Yhea you guys always have fun stuff planned!"
" Will we thought we would take you guys to the fair that is opening tonight", Michael said as he put the dishes in the dishwasher.
" Really, you guys are taking us to the fair!"
" Yes we are taking you guys to the fair, and we leave at 7:00, okay.", Ashton said walking back towards the living room.
" Thank you."
" No problem Lyric. Hey do you want to play Mario kart?"
" Sure Michael, and I can beat you!"
" I'll believe it when I see it, and you're on!"
Once everyone was in the living room, Michael started the game, which he was in the lead, but I got in front of him at the last minuet.
" What! I can't believe you beat me!"
" Told you I could.
" Whatever, want a rematch?"
" Um..... I'm good, but thanks."
I saw Luke walk in with a tote of something, and he told us to change into some old clothing and come out to the backyard; once I was in a tank top and some shorts, I walked out to the backyard to find Luke, Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Natalie holding a water balloon.
" Um... What are we doing?"
" Luke said we are going to have a water balloon fight, while we wait to go to the fair!"
Michael was the first to throw a balloon, which he threw his at Luke, then I threw one at Ashton, so we basically acted like a bunch of 5 year olds, which was funny because Michael ended up tackling Luke.
After the balloon fight it was 6:30, so we got changed, then we all piled into the car and headed to the fair.
Once we got to the fair and found a parking space of was about 7:45; Natalie decided that we should ride the big rollercoaster at the top of the hill.
" Um, I don't like rollercoasters that much."
" That's okay Lyric, I will stay with you", Luke said as the others got in line for the ride.
" Are you sure you don't mind staying with me Luke?"
" I'm sure Lyric, promise."
After they got of the ride we decided to go on the swings, so I sat with Ashton while Natalie sat with Michael, so Luke and Calum sat together, ( Lol Cake, okay back to the story.) Once we were off the swings we went on lots of rides, Natalie even made me ride one of the rollercoasters, yhea never again.
It was 12:00 midnight so we decided to head home; once we got home Luke and I went straight guys
End of chapter
Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while do to but school and then so family stuff, but I am able to update more! Love you guys

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