Part 7 - Make believe : Trivia deceiver

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Previously on something's gotta give:
He was attached to this girl, he was feeling things that he didn't know what was, since day 1 and today, but he knew now.

It was some time of built up liking but, He was in love with this 5 ft 2" very beautiful, smart and talented rapper.

This chapter :
Everything was getting back to normal . She was slowly getting her life back. Yesterday was one of the best days of her life with meek and he was on board with everything. She didn't know exactly how he was feeing but she was feeling some strong things but she intended to figure it out so she was sure it was just not rebound feelings from safaree.

(In the car with meek)

Nicki : "babe, we don't have to spend so much time, we just go there say we ain't doing shit, and we can go"

Meek : "I gatchu nik." ( giving her a light kiss on her mouth)

Nicki : (singing) "we are hereeeee"

Paparazzi: "Nicki, Nicki, meek , are you guys an item or should we be expecting a song?"
"Meek how do you feel about safaree meeting Nicki the other day?
"Nicki, meek, Ms. Maraj,  meek."

Meek : "what was they talking about u and safaree?"

Nicki : " nun, we just had a little run in the other day, it's nothing"

(Rolo and TJ meet them at the door)

Rolo : (to Nicki) "hey Nicki" (to meek) "what's up man."

TJ : (to both of them) " let's go seat and get to business"

Nicki : (laughing) "yo TJ, in business mode"

TJ : " guys said you've reached a decision, so are we signing fucking papers or!.." (Smiling )

Nicki : "yes we have come to a decision..meek?"

Meek : "yeah we spent some time deliberating on it, and we are going through with it, Nicki just needs to sign her papers since I already signed mine"

Nicki : (leaning in to talk low into Meeks ear) "meek, we agreed we weren't going through, tell them, don't fret, he won't be mad at you"

Meek : (whispering) "yeah I know, I changed my mind"

Nicki : (shooting up from her seat) "are you fucking serious?! Fucking asshole! You already signed yours? God I am so stupid, to think you were actually...."

(Nicki is almost at the door)

TJ : "I don't know what is going on between you guys Nicki, but you gotta sign the papers meek already said you gave your word"

Nicki was trying so hard not to cry there in front of everyone, she signed the papers that Said certificate of marriage.  She couldn't read anything else before she ran through the door.

It was a difficult decision for meek, but he really did love this girl, they were really good friends once until life pushed them apart cause she moved and it was kind of hard to keep in touch, and since they were brought together again, he couldn't help but think it was fate and if she wasn't in love yet, they could build that I through marriage.

(In one of the rooms)

Meek : "Nika, nika... Why you crying? Why you crying? Stop don't cry, come on"

Nicki : " are you fucking serious meek? Talking calmly and whatever, do you think this is a joke? You promised me, you fucking said we weren't going through with it, you were going to keep this cool and have fun! Remember?"

Meek : "I don't know what to say Nika, you know how I feel about us together, I'm sorry if u feel I deceived you, but..."

Nicki: "no I'll say it, you chose to lie to me, when you know almost all of what's going on with safaree now we are broken up and when we weren't. Fine, so what if I sign a couple of papers, do an acting show for the public? Me and you, in private, there's none of that! Ever."

Meek : "Nika come on chill, what you mean by that? "

Nicki : "I'm leaving, contact me only if it has to do with this. Goodbye rihmeek"

What the fuck? This went all wrong, he wasn't even able to say anything. He didn't mean for any of this to happen. It was supposed to go differently.

She was so done with all this stress for now.
Nicki : (texting bey) hey bey, can I come by the house, we got a lot of catching up to do.

(After some minutes)

Bey: "onika! I'm gonna kill you, you just haven't replied my texts since, but yes, come over, I've missed you"

Nicki : " OMW 🙍🏽"

{At bey's house}

Bey : "onik, tell me everything what's up with you? You don't look fine to me, have u been crying babe?"

Nicki told Beyoncé everything that's happened, from when she saw meek for the first time after some time, the marriage proposal, how safaree came by, their kiss before that, her breakdown, their bed episode, the lie and this morning. Beyoncé was her best friend and they hid nothing from each other.

Beyoncé : "damn onika, why didn't you text me baby? Never mind about that. Tell me how do you feel about him, honestly"

Nicki : "I told you about how when we did some records way back, the chemistry but I was with safaree and he knew that and we didn't act on it. I don't know how I feel about him, our sex yesterday was the best I've ever had, in my life. And this morning was chill and I could probably have built something with him, if he wasn't such a rat"

Bey : " onika! Rat? Come on now, that's too much babe. Look the fact is I don't know how you feel but maybe he just much and doesn't want to let you get taken?"

Nicki : "you know I appreciate you babe, and u know I don't deal well with lies, we said we was gonna work on whatever feelings we had, but I guess my first marriage is not going to be white and roses and all I've ever wanted. I already got my plan in place tho."(smiling)

Bey : "you know I gotta ask, what's the plan?"

Something's gotta give | an Omeeka storyWhere stories live. Discover now