Part 20 - Starting : A new chapter.

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It had been a very long night. She turned and fussed all night. It had been a minute since she slept alone and she honestly didn't mean for the fight to escalate so quickly, she just didn't understand why he wouldn't just tell her what was going on.

Meek had stayed up most of the night, writing new material. He wished Nicki would just trust him but he understood how hard it must be for her, him not saying what was going on.

He was confident today was going to be a good day. "Hey babe," he said as he saw his sexy wife cooking in the kitchen. "Hey," she replied dryly.

"How'd you sleep yesterday? Are you and my baby okay?," Meek asked trying to create small talk.

She sighed, breathing in loudly "We are both good, here is your plate. Eat so you can stop trying to make small talk." She rubbed her neck, "I'm gonna go upstairs I'm tired."

"Nika wait. Are you gonna be like this all day?" Meek said as he turned her around with his hands around her waist and their face close together, he was sitting while she was standing, almost touching.

"I'm not being like anything Meek. When you're ready to tell me what I want to know then we can talk, I gotta go," she said, untangling his hands from around her waist and walking upstairs.

"Fuck," he said as he turned around and pushed the plate making a clutter sound.

He cleaned up the kitchen and went up to their room, where Nicki was. She had just came out of the bathroom and was creaming her body.

She still looked as sexy as ever and more. "Nika, bey and-", He started as she immediately covered herself up, "Can't you knock Meek?."

"Baby come on it's not like I haven't seen all that good stuff," he joked rubbing his palms together, as she stifled a laugh. "Whatever. What is it?"

"Bey and Jay want us to come to dinner with them. Can you dress up? Let's just put the whole thing on hold and call a truce till we get back. Okay?"

"Sure, I'll do it for them. Not you, " she said, dropping her towel and walked to her closet. Obviously teasing him.

He went to his closet, got a black suit and went to the next room to dress up for a big night to come.

Meek said he forgot his phone in the car, and got her walking alone in this big ass football stadium. She couldn't figure out what was going on, and why Bey and Jay would want to have dinner in the middle of this place.

She could barely see anything, it was lit only n the middle. She decided not to go further, she stood and waited for Meek.

"Nicki over here," she heard Meek's voice and turned around but he wasn't there. His voice came from a huge screen in front of her. "Hi," he said again coming from the screen.

"Hii," Nicki said half laughing and still half confused.

"We were brought together by a strange situation, could even call it an arranged marriage," he continued. She laughed, put her palms on her eyes and stood in a more comfortable way.

"You tried and tried to make it not happen, so stubborn as usual. But when you know you know. And I knew, I knew even times when you didn't or refuse to accept. You used your ways to try to convince me not go through it. You know what I'm talm about (laughs). We fought, we got past it, we fought again, but that's what love is about. Patience, understanding, trust and even though how we got married wasn't the best way, I would do it again everyday if it would mean leading you to me. Most people don't get to find their other halfs (laughs) you always make me say the corniest things (pause) but I'm glad I found mine."

Meek left the video as another one came up. "Noooooo not this video," she screamed laughing and covering her eyes.

The video of young her came up, "I am Princess Nicki and I would want a very big wedding. My knight will come (mimicking a kneeling position) and kneel down and give me a big ring and ask me to marry him and since I love him, I'll shout a big "yesss" and we will live happily ever after and I'll have a cute fat babies later. Many cute fat babies.(giggling loudly)"

She remembered exactly when she was recorded. She was with tyesha and iyesha joking around and they recorded it.


She heard and knew who it was. She spinned around and saw Meek looking at her with all the love in his eyes.

He stepped forward, "I want to be the one who you shout a big yes to. I want to be the one you have fat babies with, our fat cute babies. I love you and even tho we already signed the papers, I want to do it in front of friends and family. I-"

Tears were already dripping from her eyes and she was laughing.

"No wai- wait, what about what we are arguing about? This is beautiful, (sniffs) but You can't just cover that all up with this tempting re-proposal. Where were you Meek?"

"Nika! I was out here coordinating everything, making sure it went perfect for you, for us"

"(Laughs) I feel so bad, I'm sorry for not trusting you baby," she said honestly.

"Now as I was saying. Onika Tanya Maraj Williams, will you re-marry me?"

The two lovers looked into each other's eyes. One on knees and the other bewildered and looking at her husband.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes Meek I'll marry you," she finally said after a long minute.

He put the new 15-carat ring on her finger and picked her up, "she said yes!!"

The stadium lit up in an instant and people began cheering. She saw her friends and family and close acquaintances run down from the seaters clapping.

"Omg baby you brought people here, My mum! you flew her in from Trinidad?" She said excitedly .

"Yes I wanted them to be here, I knew you would like that. I also had a photographer capture the whole thing." He told her smiling.

"Oh baby...Thank you so much, you're the best," she said to Meek as she gave him a kiss and went to join the rest of her congratulatory group, showing off the ring and every other person just having refreshments.

She was excited, couldn't believe she could be this happy. She felt and knew this was the best day of her life.

"Can I get everyone's attention please?," Meek said, clinking the champagne glass. "If you notice, my baby (looking at her) -Nika, has been drinking nothing but water and soda all through the night," she was by his side holding him tight around his waist.

"I am very happy to announce that we're having a baby. We don't know the sex yet but we have our first baby on the way. "


"We are very excited to share this with you and couldn't be at a more happy situation than this."


Soon after the announcement, Meek led her to car. Neither of them could wait to start their own private celebration so they started early.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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