[ 49 ] 2014

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[ 49 ] 2014

Her parents sent her to Perth on an airplane that left Sunday afternoon. Harley wanted to say goodbye to Calum, but he wasn't replying to her messages. Two weeks were a long time without seeing her friends from Sydney, and truth be told, she didn't want to leave. Though most of them were vacationing elsewhere anyway. Billy and Cindy were in California, skiing in the mountains of Big Bear. She had heard from Billy that Luke had gone to Cancun with a group of the populars from St. Genevieve's academy. 

Hazel and Jack had returned to Canada to visit their mother. Dempsey and Paúl had gone to Guadalajara with John to spend the rest of their vacation. And Michael, having nowhere else to go, was invited to spend some time in Germany with another hunter named André. 

And Calum was probably busy with his family from Brisbane.

When she got off the plane and picked up her luggage, she walked through the terminal until she found her dad's family: the Quinns. 

Her grandfather, Kieran Quinn, looked the happiest to see her. He was the only one who looked happy to see Harley. The others there; her grandmother, and her three cousins, Rory, Saris, and Ever didn't looked too pleased to see Harley there. Rory, Saris, and Ever were all siblings and their parents had also sent them to spend the rest of their vacation with their grandparents. The three of them were the kids of one of Harley's aunts, and her grandmother liked them better. They were all about the same age, and close in age to Harley. Rory was seventeen, Saris was nineteen, and Ever was twenty.

As she got closer, her grandfather brought her in for a warm hug. "Its great to see ya again, Harley." He said with a smile.

"Nice to see you too, grandpa." She hugged him back. Harley was definitely happy to see him, but she wasn't at all thrilled about the hostile glares Ever, Saris, and her grandmother were showing her.

She loved her grandfather Kieran Quinn because he was a nice man. And he actually treated her like a part of the family. Her grandmother, on the other hand, was different. Her grandmother Ava Quinn always excluded Harley because she believed that Harley wasn't really Aaron's daughter. Harley always thought her grandmother's suspicions were crazy, until she found out the truth. But Ava only suspected, she had no proof.

When they pulled away from their embrace, Kieran Quinn gestured to Ever, who was standing off to the side with his cellphone in hand. His eyes were not trained on his surroundings, but on his cellphone screen. "Ever," Kieran called his grandson's name to get his attention. "Help your cousin Harley with her bags." Ever heaved an annoyed sigh, but didn't protest. Instead, he stuffed his cellphone into his pocket and went to help Harley.

The drive to their grandparents' house was a silent one, with Kieran asking Harley occasional questions about the family and their life in Sydney with Aaron's new job. Ava Quinn had only asked her one thing; why Billy hadn't come to visit them as well.

Harley told her it was because he was in California with his girlfriend Cindy.

They got to their house from the airport almost an hour later and her grandfather had Rory show Harley her room. Rory was helpful and polite with Harley, and she thought that beside her grandfather, Rory would be her only friend.


Her grandmother woke her bright and early the next morning. 

Harley was told to get up and get ready to work. Her grandparents lived by the money their children sent them each months, but they also owned a small cafe. That was where Harley would be working for the next two weeks.

She took a quick shower and put on a uniform her grandmother had gotten for her. Then she went downstairs where her cousins would be waiting for her. But they were already gone. When Harley asked her grandmother, Ava Quinn scolded her. "You took too long, so I told them to go on without you. You can walk to the cafe, its only eight blocks away."

Harley sighed and left the house, on her way to her temporary job. 

She was surprised when her cousin Rory was waiting for her outside. "Sorry Ever and Saris left. They can be pricks sometimes, especially when grandmum spoils them so much." She shrugged her shoulders, her curly red hair bounced slightly. 

"That's okay." Harley hummed. "Thank you for waiting for me. I have no idea where the cafe is. Why do they hate me so much?" She crinkled up her nose, referring to Saris and Ever. "What did I do to them? Saris and I used to get along when we were little, and I don't remember Ever being quite so mean." Harley remembered she and her family used to visit their grandparents' house often when she was younger. Then one day, without an explanation, they just stopped going. 

Rory ran a hand through her ginger hair as she explained. "I don't know the full details because we were all kids when this happened. But apparently grandma thinks aunt Harleen is cheating on uncle Aaron. And uncle Aaron got mad at grandmum because of what she was saying of aunt Harleen. So, he stopped visiting, stopped calling. Grandmum took it very hard. Aaron was their golden son, so she blames Harleen for everything. You're her daughter, so..." She trailed off.

She had just said a lot of what Harley already knew.

But their conversation went on for several minutes and in no time, they were at the cafe. 

It was called Kings & Quinn's Cafe, and it had a crown on top of the words.

Harley smiled to herself at the clever name. 

When they opened the door, Saris was already at the register, her golden blonde hair flew off her shoulder with the slight wind that came in through the open door. Her blue eyes tore away from the customer she was attending for a second, only to shook Harley Quinn a glare, then she returned to her job. At the bar was Ever, preparing drinks and setting them on the counter for the people to take.

"Finally here," Saris rolled her eyes at the two girls. She immediately started giving commands. "Rory, I need you to help Ever at the bar. Its a busy day and he can't quite keep up with all the orders. And Harley," She said her cousin's name with disdain. "You can clean the toilets and then sweet up th whole place. When you're done, then you can go to the back and sort out some boxes that just came in, bring in any that may have been left outside. Then you can assort all the pastries in the display counter."

She clearly was purposefully giving Harley the toughest jobs to do.

Linking arms with Harley, Rory shook her head, "Maybe I should teach her how to work at the bar first, Sar."

The blonde at the register shook her head. "Grandma said I'm in charge. So Rory, get to the bar right now. Harley, get mopping. The supplies are over there." Her eyes darted to the far end of the cafe where there was a door labeled 'cleaning materials' and that was where Harley went to get the mop.

She paused for a moment and got her cellphone out to check for messages from Calum.

But she had none. 

"No texting on the job, Davis." Saris hissed, calling her cousin by her mother's last name.

With Calum ignoring her messages, Ashton unable to make an appearance in front of so many people, and her cousin mistreating her, Harley thought it was going to be a long Christmas break.


just another filler chapter before the story ends, but i hope you all enjoy reading it. the end of this book is very close. so i want to thank all of you who are still reading. it has meant so much, and i hope you all have a very blessed day ^.^

question of the day: which is your favorite ride at disneyland/disneyworld/california adventure? i've only been to disneyland and cali adventure bc i live in california. but my fave disneyland ride is definitely the matterhorn bobsled, or pirates of the carribean. both are fab. and from cali adventure i would have to say tower of terror, and california screamin'. happiest place on earth. and if you have never been...i feel for you. i have been there so many times, its like my second home. lol

but yeah, share with me in the comment section!

i love you.

blessings, clary xx

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