[ 3 ] 2013

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[ 3 ] 2013 

Harley pulled away from him, her blue eyes were full of hurt. "You helped her put me here?" She asked him. Harley couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew she had to let him explain himself, but at that moment she felt betrayed.

Calum noticed this and placed his hands on her shoulders, his voice full of guilt as he tried to explain to her how it all happened. He never meant for Kylie and Andrea to hurt Harley. "It wasn't on purpose." He swore. "Andrea asked me how to get a spirit out of a mirror and I was still upset about my family. I just wanted her to go away and the only way was to teach her." 

She could see the honesty in him. The way he spoke, the way his eyes were full of guilt. Harley knew he'd been used by Andrea.

"I know I fucked up." He continued, tilting his head down in shame.

Harley's gaze softened when she noticed how upset she was. She cupped his face in her hands and pulled him up to look him in the eyes. "No, you didn't." She shook her head. "You didn't know what she was going to do with that information."

"I'm going to get you out of here." Calum told her, taking one of her hands in his. "I'll do everything I can to figure this out. Do you have any idea what Kylie's planning?" He asked her.

She shook her head in response. "I don't. But Andrea might."

"Right, I'll have to talk to her." He nodded. He didn't only plan to have a conversation with Andrea, he planned to kill her for betraying his friendship. For hurting Harley. Calum couldn't believe he took her into his home and she was going around betraying his trust. With a sigh, he began, deciding to forget about her for the moment. He had more important things to worry about. "Take my hands. I'm going to try to get you out of here. If it doesn't work, don't be afraid. I might have to go to Sydney to search through my grandfather's old books."

After taking a deep breath to put herself into deep concentration, Harley told him, "I trust you."

"I won't let you down." He assured her. "Please concentrate." He instructed. He concentrated all his energy on getting back to Brisbane, to the small room he was living in with his family.

He felt a small amount of pressure on his chest, like his energy was refusing to bring Harley along with him. In the next second, he could no longer feel her hands in his. He was only holding onto air.

His brown eyes shot open to find he was back in the small bedroom. Harley was nowhere to be found. But Ashton was there, watching Calum with a hope that died when he saw his plan hadn't worked.

"Is she okay?" The hazel eyed boy asked.

And Calum felt his anger creeping up on him. Why couldn't Ashton just get out of his way so that he could be with Harley?

He was sure she could love him if Ashton were gone.

"She's fine." Calum hissed.

"What are we going to do?" Ashton bit his lip in worry.

Calum walked to his closet and pulled his luggage out. He went around the room, gathering his things quickly as he gave Ashton some instructions. "Go back to Sydney. If you know where Kylie is, don't let her go anywhere. I'll arrive in my car in about eight hours if I hurry."

Nodding, Ashton informed him, "Kylie's with someone. I asked them to watch her."

"Good." Calum said, stuffing things into his luggage. "Then you go to my house and start searching through the books. There are hundreds of them."

"Okay. But hurry." Ashton finally said before disappearing into thin air.



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