Chapter 10 (Clover's P.O.V)

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The sun forced its way through my window, making me cower under the blankets. Why did today have to be Monday?

I shrugged my covers off and trudged to the bathroom, tugging my shirt over my head.

I rushed through the process of getting ready, brushing out my wet hair and tying it up in a bun.

I found my way downstairs and made my way to the kitchen, the aroma of scrambled eggs and bacon hitting me from the steps. I opened the door to see Viola dishing out three plates of piping hot eggs.

I grabbed a glass and filled it water, gulping it quickly to stop the drool from pouring out of my mouth.

"You're gonna be late, if you don't go now Clo," Viola stated, her eyes glancing at me and then at my brothers as they came storming in, squealing like wild pigs.

I inhaled my breakfast and darted out the door, screaming bye over my shoulder.

Tessa's beat up Camry pulled up almost as soon as I stepped out.

"Get in you sad twit!" she yelled, winding her window back up. I shook my head, scowling at her choice of words. Since when was a hoodie and ripped jeans such a fashion crime?

I pulled her car door open and slumped in before glaring at her.

Tessa's playful smirk suddenly grew serious as she looked me over.

"You okay Clo?" she asked all playfulness gone.

I nodded, flashes of Friday night whizzing through my mind. I fought the frustrated tears that immediately rushed to my eyes. I silently thanked God that Tessa was too busy telling me about how awesome her night was to notice my sudden change of mood. I really couldn't handle her fussing just yet.

We pulled up at school about ten minutes later, Tessa still babbling on about Friday. I tried my best to be encouraging.

It was time for lunch when I saw him. He had Blondie shoved up against his locker while they made out heatedly. I looked away feeling a blush creep up my cheeks.

I rushed to the cafeteria, nearly tripping over my own shoe laces.

Tessa gave me a puzzled look as I plopped down beside her, her ham sandwich inches from her open mouth. I shook my head, walking over to the line that was rapidly getting longer.

I started stacking everything in sight on my plate, rolling my eyes as some of the cheerleaders gasped. I moved towards my seat, preparing to level my mountain, when something hard suddenly obstructed my path.

I glared up at the owner of the hard chest, scowling as I realised who it was. Tyler and I glared at each other for about five seconds before we walked off in different directions.

I sat down, staring at my food, my appetite gone.

I was too out of it to notice Chase and Conor join our table. I didn't even complain when they devoured my lunch. I sat and scowled at my empty tray until the bell rang for the end of lunch.

I stormed to my Literature class, ignoring all their concerned looks.

I flung the door open and sat down heavily on my chair. I was obviously early. Soon people started filing in and the lesson began.

"Today we will be starting the drama Macbeth by William Shakespeare," Mrs. Willow started. I loved this book.

"Character's will be picked..." Mrs. Willow was cut off as the door was pushed open to reveal a very pissed looking Tyler. My mood suddenly became about thirty shades darker.

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