Chapter 2: (Tyler's P.O.V)

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I could hear them screaming at each other.

The words were slightly muffled thanks to the soundproof walls and door in the house, but I could still her the anger and hatred seeping into their voices from the kitchen downstairs.

I felt my own anger rising slowly as I grabbed my jacket and yanked the door open, refusing to spend another minute listening to their endless bickering.

I stormed through the large kitchen, just managing to dodge a wine glass as it sailed across the kitchen.

There was a loud crash and I wiped a tear before it escaped. I ran out into the forest behind my house.

Whoever said money could buy happiness lied.

I live in the biggest house, own an awesome car and have enough money to buy two mansions, a new Lamborghini and probably still just enough change to rent the Buckingham palace for a year.

“Tyler!” I heard my mum call out, “Tyler Daniel Forrest! Get back here!!”

I ran until I couldn’t hear her anymore.

I ran until my chest began to burn.

I found myself deep in Lockwood forest on the banks of the river.

I punched the tree closest to me repeatedly until my knuckles were raw and bleeding. I was too numb to feel the pain. I sat down on the damp river bed, cradling my knees to my chest with blood dripping from my knuckles.

I refused to cry.

Dad deserved everything. I spat angrily into the river, the thought of my father alone making me sick.

He had guts coming back after what he did.

I sat staring at the clear water gushing down south, till the sun began to go down.

I stood up, using my hands for support, wincing as the pain set in.

I slowly made my way through the thick foliage of leaves and dense trees.

It was dark by the time I got to the edge of the forest. An owl hooted in the oak trees high above me. I couldn’t go back just yet. I veered left hoping to pass time in the mansion some metres away from ours.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

I was just about to emerge from the forest when I spotted a girl about my age, sprawled out on a loveseat in the garden. She seemed to be listening to heavy metal.

Her long chestnut coloured hair, swayed down her back, sweeping the floor as she nodded to the rhythm.

I watched her intently as she continued to enjoy her own mini concert, singing quietly. I continued to stare, slightly amused.

Suddenly, she looked directly at me, my eyes widened in shock.

She was beautiful.

Her eyes glinted honey brown under the light of the garden lamps, her lips were full and pink, her long hair framing her face perfectly.

I scrambled to hide behind a tree, accidentally stepping on a dry twig in the process.

I swore internally.

She was alert now, slowly removing her earphones and sitting up.

I felt my phone vibrating and brought it out before the ringtone blared through the silence.

My wolf-eye wallpaper glared out into the darkness as I cut the call from my mother.

I stole one last look at her and was shocked to see her running towards her house. Confused, I turned and darted in the opposite direction, back to the chaos that awaited me. All thoughts of the mystery girl fading away.

I made my way slowly towards our house, dreading what I would meet there. I stood outside the large mansion and looked up, taking in its pebble decorations and beige undertones. It towered high above me with an extravagant front porch. There was glass everywhere making the whole house seem naked and insecure.

I gazed right through it at the gigantic swimming pool in the backyard. Sure it was a beautiful house, but it wasn’t a home. My father’s car was no longer in the drive way.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I made my way to my room dashing past my mother’s bedroom.

She was crying again.

The pain that I had become accustomed to slowly crept up my chest. I growled as I remembered him, punching my wall until my knuckles began to bleed again. School would be in full swing in two weeks’ time.

At least I’d have something else to focus on.

Thats the second chapter everyone, please tell me what you think. Any Advice? Hope you liked it. I'm open to suggestions :).

-Modupe (Jessica)

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