Chapter 4: (Tyler's P.O.V)

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“Tylie baby, I’ve missed you!” she squealed throwing herself at me. I reluctantly snaked an arm around her waist, glancing over her shoulder. Mystery girl had disappeared. I took a deep breath in, Ashleigh’s sickly, sweet perfume clouding my nostrils.

“It’s Tyler, Ash,” I stated gruffly, “And you saw me two days ago,” I continued, placing a kiss on her neck. I knew she’d like that.

“But I still missed you,” she moaned before crushing her lips on mine. I kissed her back, trying my best to be as passionate as possible. Ashleigh was my main distraction. I pulled a way, watching her pale blue eyes flutter open as she pouted up at me.

“I have calculus now,” I whispered down to her.

She gave me her signature smile, flashing her whitened teeth. She took a step back and my eyes drifted over her body as she re-applied her lip-gloss. She had decided to kill us all in a pair of shorts and wedges that showed of her long, tan legs. Her peach top fluttered around her and her hair danced around her face. She continued to grin at me as her face registered the approval on mine.

“See you at lunch Tylie,” She whispered placing one last glossy peck on my lips before she whirled around, flipped her hair and bounced off to her first class. She twisted her hips more as she walked. She knew I was looking. She turned and blew me a kiss before she disappeared to the left. What a fine piece of ass.

I turned around and opened my locker, taking out my textbooks. I made my way to my seat at the back of the class, replying all the “hey’s” and giggly “hi’s” from the girls with little smiles and replies, chuckling softly to myself as they blushed.

“Nice of you to finally show up Forrest,” Mr. Hunter said, one eyebrow raised questioningly at me.

“Sorry sir, something came up,” I said, smirking at him. He rolled his eyes and continued with his lesson.

“Today, class, we will be treating Exponential functions.” I wrote it down quickly. “Now Exponen…” The door was pushed open and our headmaster walked in.

“Good morning everyone!” he sang cheerfully. Replies in the form of groans filled the room. “We have a new student joining us and she will be taking calculus with rest of you.”

 I stared as I saw those beautiful brown eyes again. Mystery girl. She walked in cautiously and hushed whispers spread through the room. She looked up and once again her eyes met mine. She blushed and looked down at her entwined hands, wringing them anxiously. I smiled at her reaction. If I wanted to get her I would. Easily.

I sat back in my chair.

“This is Chloe..” Mr. Fin was cut off by a smooth voice.

“It’s Clover.” She stated matter-of-factly.

“Yes of course, this is Clover Mendez,” he looked flushed, “Be nice.” He mumbled something incoherent to himself and walked briskly out of the class. She had a very cheeky smile on her face. She made her way to the empty seat beside the bubbly red head. I continued to stare at her as Mr. Hunter welcomed her.

“Have you done Calculus before?” He asked her.

She gave a confused nod and looked up at the man.

“Ever done exponential functions?” He continued.

She nodded again.

Mr. Hunter looked impressed as he wrote out a problem on the white board, handing her the marker. I solved it quickly in my jotter. I was surprised to see it already solved on the board. With the graph and everything. Now I was impressed.

Class droned on…and on, till the bell rang about three hours later. I looked down at my jotter. I had designed the entire page with my name in different fonts and sizes. The class filed out as Mr. Hunter told us the pages to study for the next class. I dashed out, really needing to use the bathroom.

I ran a hand through my hair as I made a sharp right turn toward the cafeteria. Something smacked into me, nearly knocking me off my feet.

It was her.

“Oh My GOD!!” She screamed as she scrambled to pick up her books. “Watch where you’re going you jerk!” Her outburst surprised me. She glared at me anger lacing her features. I smirked at her.

“Momma never taught you good manners?” I asked, taunting her.

A pained look spread across her face and tears welled up in her eyes. I looked at her confused. She looked me in the eyes, hatred becoming more visible by the second. Shit what did I say?

“Maybe your father should give you a lesson or two on how to treat girls.” She spat, her voice lined with ice. My eyes narrowed at the mention of my father. I held back a growl forming at the back of my throat.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I snarled. She took a step back, still glaring at me. One tear rolled down her cheek, her eyes glistening. The scowl on my face softened.

“Neither do you!” she stated her voice still cold as she stormed past me, taking her strawberry scent with her.

My scowl returned as I continued to walk to the cafeteria. I sat at the so called popular table, wondering what I had said that had made her cry. Ashleigh sat down beside me, wrapping her slender arms around my neck and planting a kiss on my cheek.

“How was class?” she whispered, tracing intricate patterns on my shoulder.

I shrugged, getting irritated as she started to interrogate me about the new girl in her high pitched voice. I stood abruptly, heading to class three minutes before the bell went. I sat through the rest of my classes, brooding over this mystery girl. Who the hell did she think she was, occupying my mind? School came to an end and I made my way over to the field for soccer practice.

I grunted greetings at the coach before I channelled all my aggression into my playing. Calming down with every goal.

That's the fourth chapter everyone. Please let me know what you think. I would still love to hear  whatever you have to say. Thank you so much for reading. God bless.


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