9. Kennedy

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Big things often have small beginnings. Kind of like how a small seed turns into a gigantic tree. I like to think that that is what is going on in my life right now. That the seed just got planted, and I need to provide it with sunlight and water to give it it's strength to grow into something beautiful. With it's branches extending outward, like my goals for the future. And how little pink flowers bloom, like my spirit.
Now, how do I give sunlight when I have a storm raging on inside me? Dark, gloomy clouds blocking the orb of light. Water is no problem, except that I feed it too much water. With the pouring rain pelting down, representing my tears because they never stop streaming.
"Where flowers bloom, so does hope." I whisper to myself as I reach for the keys that are dangling up on the key holder, and dash out the door to the nearest flower shop where I can buy seeds.
I will garden such beauties that provide me motivation to keep my faith and not lose hope in myself.
I parked my car into the lot and run inside as if my life depended on these seeds. The lady smiled, exposing her wrinkled cheeks. Her eyes bagged down and her chin sagged. Her face was sketched in lines of aging.
"Seeds?" I asked, nothing more than just one word.
"What kind?"
"Give me one of everything you have."
The earth laughs in flowers.
I'm ready to laugh along.

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