15. Christian

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"She's not good for you."
But what if I'm not good for her. I'm not enough for her. I can't give her what she needs. I can't fullfill her wants. How would I keep up with her? I've been thinking about her more than I'd like to admit.

I sat there in class, glancing at the door every 3 seconds waiting for her to arrive.
And suddenly, like in the movies, she entered with her hair swaying side to side and a smirk engraved to her face. She met with my eyes and smiled. She walked her way to the desk next to mine and plopped down.

"Christian, right?"
She remembered. She had actually memorized my name. "Cat's got your tongue?" She asked, her eyebrow raised and her dimpled dug down on her cheeks.
"You walked into the room and I think I forgot how to breathe."
She giggled and flipped her hair behind her shoulder.
"I guess I took your breath away." Her face inched closer to mine and her lips made an O shape. A cool, minty breeze hit my face. I sat there, astonished and confused.
"I gave you your breath back." She laughed. I have never noticed that she could be so....real? I always thought she was just this girl who was way too cool to be making unfunny jokes. Someone that would only laugh if she was getting in trouble. She's genuine.
"Yeah, Christian."
"I'm just going to call you Chris for short, is that alright?"
"Uhm yeah."
"Kennedy! Oh my god, what are you doing? Sit with me!" Her friend Rachel screamed from across the room. Her arms were crossed against her chest as her eyebrows raised with a snarky attitude. Kennedy rolled her eyes and dragged my desk right next to her.
"He's my partner." Kennedy replied. Rachel stood there, arms uncrossed, offended that she chose some unpopular dork over her.
"Partner?" Rachel asked. Kennedy pointed at the board that read, "Sit by your partner, we will be working on a project collage." Rachel rolled her eyes angrily and turned to Celeste. They snickered, whispering rude things about how fake Kennedy was.
"You don't mind, right? Being partners?"
"Well, no. I just thought you would've went with Rachel."
"Why's that?"
"Cause I'm not..."
"Not what?"
She rolled her eyes back and scoffed.
"Popularity isn't everything. It's tiring. Sometimes I could use a break. Plus, I don't want to talk to them, I want to talk to you."

She said it. She said everything I ever wanted to hear, just like I've played it in my head.

She wants to talk to me.

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