1. Kennedy

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The blaring bell rings as I dashed into class on time. I take my usual seat on the back corner, disappearing into a zone of invisibility, where the students ignore and the teacher forgets. I retrieve my black, spiraled notebook and flip to a clean page to copy down the already written notes from the whiteboard. My pencil does all the writing as my mind enters a different realm of thinking. The topic of the subject is World War. Come to think of it, the remembrance of the war always focuses on Germany and the Soviet Union and the United states and every other allied country or countries that were taken over by the overpowering dictator Adolf Hitler. But there was so much more criminality going on that no one even pays attention to. The Japenese were just as bad, if anything, even worse than Germany ever was. I mean, yeah Hitler murdered approximately 11 million innocent people but the Japenese assassinated 30 million. The Japanese made the Germans look like good guys compared to them. So why do we choose to ignore the atrocities that they caused? Although both were barbarians, one was clearly more cruel than the other. I raised my hands to bring up the overlooked information to Mr. Hangdesh who is always interested in what his students have to say.
"Yes Kennedy?"
"Since we're reviewing this material, I question why don't we point out the existence of the Japanese during this truly revolting time period. It seems as if we always credit Germany for its invasive personality, but they were inferior when it comes to the Japanese."
Students snapped their heads to directly look at me, astonished that I, for once, spoke an opinion about world history. I always had something to say, I just never had a voice to say it.
Taken aback by my words, Mr. Hangdesh was confused as he skimmed through the textbook to find a way to answer me. A fact on the Japanese, or anything to just give me some sort of response. Information that he didn't have.
"Ah, yes. We will save that for discussion on Tuesday when you guys come back. But for now, let's just skim through the textbook and take notes on World War ll for it will be on your test on Thursday."
Of course, unanswered. I wish I had all the answers in the world to figure out life's mysteries, but I guess some things are just meant to be undiscovered.

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