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Santana and Brittany came back to their apartment as soon as they could. It was Monday and Blaine didn't have to work, it was his free day in the theater and he needed it because he was more tired everyday because he was pregnant.

He hadn't said anything to his colleagues. He knew they would realised soon or later, but he couldn't say it yet. He was scared because he thought he would be fired as soon as his boss knew it. He didn't want to be fired, at least, not yet. His parents had started to look for a house near his own because they wanted to be there for him, but Blaine knew he couldn't work for some months because nobody would hire him while he was pregnant. He hoped he could do anything for those months, maybe play an instrument or something like that, while he was fat. He couldn't be those five or six months without working and without any income. He didn't want to depend on his parents.

When Sam arrived home, he found his best friend sleeping on the couch, with his hand on his belly. The TV was on, he thought he had slept while he was watching it. He walked to him and cover him with a blanket. He did it slowly, he didn't want to wake him up. He smiled to him with that smile he had only for him and no one can see it, except Blaine.

He hadn't talked with his best friend about it, but he was in love with him. He realised he loved him five years ago, when Blaine and Kurt started their relationship after their break up. He was jealous, but it wasn't because he had to share his best friend with Hummel, it was because he would kiss Blaine and have sex with him.

He knew it really soon, but he didn't say anything. He only talked with Tina about it. When Klaine broke up the second time, he decided to confess his feelings. However, he thought it would be better if he waited until Blaine stopped loving Kurt. He had everything ready for his declaration of love, he had booked in a luxurious restaurant and he had practiced his speech, but nothing happened like he wanted and two days before the big day, Blaine was violated and he postponed it. When he thought Blaine was better and he could tell him about his love, they knew he was pregnant.

It was like Destiny didn't want them together and it would do anything against it. He was scared because it wasn't just Blaine's happiness. There would be a baby soon and he or she would need to be cared. If he was Blaine's boyfriend, he would be a father too. He wasn't scared about being a father, he was ready for it. He was scared because he can hurt the two people he loved the most. That baby wasn't born yet, he didn't know if it will be a boy or a girl, but he already loved him or her.

Sam went to the kitchen and started to cook while Blaine was sleeping. Sam had realised Blaine slept more, but he had read on the Internet it was normal, so he wasn't worried. Sam hadn't enough money to buy the books every future father buys, but the Internet was for that, wasn't it? He had been reading about pregnancy and baby's first months.

Dinner was almost ready when Blaine came into the kitchen. He smiled and Sam thought the sun had risen in that moment.

"It smells delicious... What can I do?" Blaine asked.

"You can sit down and wait." Sam answered with a smile. The two of them looked at each other with love, but none of them realised it because they always looked at the other like that.

"I'm pregnant, but I can do it. I'm not paralysed." Blaine complained, but he loved when Sam took care of him.

"I can do it too. Now, relax and wait."

It was junk food night and superhero films for Blaine and Sam. The blond man was preparing everything while the smaller was resting, like every day since they knew Blaine was pregnant. Sam had ready the popcorns, the soft drinks (without caffeine for Anderson) and other snacks.

Sam sat down next to Blaine and opened the Ranch-Doritos bag. When Blaine smelt it, he wanted to vomit and went to the toilet. It seemed it made him sick. Two minutes later, Sam arrived there and caress Blaine's back, trying to make him feel better while he was vomiting.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked when Blaine finished.

"Yes... It was the Doritos... I'm sorry" Blaine whispered.

"Ok, no more Doritos tonight."

When Blaine got out to the toilet, there weren't Doritos in the living room.

Blaine wanted to eat some crackers and he knew it was in the same drawer where there were Sam's Ranch-Doritos. He could forget about the crackers or took the risk and open it.

He wanted to eat them so badly, so he decided to take the risk. He opened the drawer and he realised there weren't Doritos. It was rare, but he decided to write it on the shopping list.

After that, he picked up the crackers and went to the living room to eat it while he was watching the TV.

Blaine and Sam were in the market, there were some things in the shopping car when they arrived to the snack aisle. Blaine was reading the list while Sam picked up the popcorns for his film's days. Blaine was sure he had written the Doritos two days ago, but it wasn't on the list.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"I swear I wrote your Doritos..." Blaine looked at the list like he was waiting the words magically appeared.

"I know, but I deleted it. I won't eat Doritos while you want to vomit when you smell it."

"What? Sam! They are your favourites!"

"It doesn't matter." Sam shrugged. "It makes you sick. I can live without it for some months... I don't want you to vomit, you have to take care of you and I will take care of you. I don't want you to be sick or worse and, if I have to stop eating Doritos, It won't be a big deal."

"You are the best friend ever!" Blaine hugged Sam. The blond man realised his best friend belly was still flat because they were really close. He knew it wouldn't be for long, but he wanted to see the pregnancy soon. He thought about Blaine holding a baby while the kid was smiling at him. He didn't know how, but he wanted to be there.

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