Your Alive...

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'Koca seems to be very nice to me. And shes also a close friends with the Sakamakis...'

She pulled me a little bit by the wrist before she spoke. "Hold on tight, because we're gonna teleport." I saw a smirk go play upon her lips as I panicked a bit.

Just as I made sense of what she was saying, my eyes widen to protest. "Mate yada!-"

By that second moment we were in a random bakery. I smelled the air as it was the scent of tasty food.

"Come on Yui!" She waved over to me as we kneeled down to see the sweets and all the other goods from down behind the glass.

"Want something Yui? I would be more then glad to pay." She asked smiling over to me.

"No its all alright I could pay for myself." I replied. "No I insest. If you don't know I actually don't have actual money on me right now, because from where I've been gone we use jewels there. And if I use the jewels here each one would probably be about nine hundred billion yen and up since they're real crystal jems."

My eyes were the sizes of golfballs... "A-are you really serious Koca?" I asked and she nodded. "Mhm."

'I think im gonna faint....'

"Anyways I have like a bag- nope volt full of them so I'm like, richer then all of the Sakamakis combined and even if they worked another job that will give then millions of yen I would probably or am still richer then them all." She explained.

'Koca is just awesome.'

"Your an awesome friend too Yui." She smiled at me, as I was taken a little bit aback by her words.

'Wait, did she just read my thoughts?!?'

"Yes. Now want any sweets?" She asked as she stood up from a kneeling position. 'A strawberry shortcake would be fine.'

"Ok then one strawberry shortcake it is then." She then popped her head up once again.

"Hey, gimme a strawberry shortcake, lemon marange cake, a box of green tea chocolates, a box of takoyaki, a box of french macaroons, a box of dark chocolates, a slice of apple pie and top it of with Bloody Yasami... red cherry... cake...."

When Koca said the last baked goods she was eye to eye with this beautiful brown haired girl. She had long hair the went all the way to her waist with blue eyes.

"M-Melissa.... Senpai....?"

"K-Koca... Is that r-really you...?"

"MILISSA-SENPAI!!" Koca yelled as she and the brunette hugged. "You're alive!" She suddenly exclaimed, looking her up and down.

"What do you mean I'm alive?! YOU'RE  alive yourself also!!" She said as if she was about to cry.

"It's been so long..." The girl from the bakery uttered out teary eyed by the girl in front of her.

"It's been so many years since the last time I saw you as a kid, I was like eleven or something." Koca softly chuckled looking at her.


'Dummit... I'm so happy that my senpai is well and alive...'

"What do you mean years?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "It's been over centuries the last time I saw you as a kid."

"C-Centuries...?" I uttered, cold sweat running down my forehead. "I was gone that long....?"

She sadly nodded. "W-where I disappeared off it was only six years exactly... Today was the day I went missing."

"Then that must've mean the time there was slower then ours here in Japan." She said as she looked over to me.

"But you look very pretty, you've matured I suppose." She chuckled. "And you look the same- wait why are you alive. I-I thought you were gonna die since your human." She chuckled a bit more.

"Who said I was a human?"

"Wait, so your saying your not a human?"

"Mhm. I'm actually a demon." She answered, creating a peace sign with her hands and winking her eyes.

"Then I'm a blood sucking vampire at your service." We playfully shock hands as if we just met once again.

Well I did remember on how we met when we were young. When I was little I would always go to this bakery since one time I was walking around and found a secret street and it had some bakery and soon I went in making friends with I didn't know my senpai is a demon.

"So everyone else in this secret street is some type of monster?" I asked. "That's pretty much the case."

"So you said you wanted a strawberry shortcake, lemon marange cake, a box of green tea chocolates, a box of takoyaki, a box of french macaroons, a box of dark chocolates, a slice of apple pie and a Bloody Yasami red cherry cake? Right?"

"Yeah, but what I wanted to know was why my name is in this cake, I actually have never heard of it." I asked.

"That's because this cake is what I made just for you. Its only able to be sold only this day. Once every year." She explained. "Its been so long since it... Everyone adored the little cinnomon roll on this street."

"Oh yes I forgot everyone that lives here knows me..." I sweatdropped. She then had everything in boxes inside a bag as she placed them on the counter. "Anyways, meet my friend Yui Komori." I said almost forgetting the blonde.

Yui walked up to her as they shook hands. "Hey, im Melissa Yukori. Its a pleasure to meet you Yui."

"You too Melissa-san." "Well, i think we better be going Melissa-senpai the boys would kill me." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh your little 'boyfriend' Ruki huh?" I rolled my eyes once again. "Haha funny don't bring up the past Melissa-Senpai, im talking about the oh so famous princes of the vampire king Karlhinez."

"That guy is scary. But can be like really weird." She said, cringing almost. "I know right." I answered as I pushed the door with Yui as we held the food.

"Anyways bye Melissa-Senpai!!" I waved as she waved back. "Melissa-san seems to be very nice." Yui said. "Well, thats because she is very nice." I smiled back.

"So anyways, hand me the other bag I need to shrink it please." She looked at me in confusion. "Um okay..." She put it down with the other bag as I put my hand on it and it made a magic circle shrinking the food.

And then so they were like all the size of my hand. I put them in the limo I earlier called as Yui looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm the smartest person in the world Yui."

##𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 ───𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now