Between The Real And Fakes

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"I want you to meet them."

He said as we entered a completely different castle. Having two boys on the throne. One with white hair, the other with orange. My eyes widen as i have heard and read up about the place that we were in right now. I bowed before the two.

"Your Majesty."

"Hmm, seems to have manners." The one sitting on the throne said as he started to walk towards me. I stood up properly as he took me by the chin. "Hm, you do seem like the child of this man." "I am not a child of this man, your majesty. I was a former human." I explained. "A class lowest of vampires. I apologize. I am not worthy of meeting the King and his brother."

He's eyes seemed to have widen at me and thought my chin, as I didn't oppose to him. "I hate vampires like you. Disgusting." I stayed with my normal emotion as I faced him. "Anyways, I am Carla Tsukinami." He introduced himself. "And I'm Shin Tsukinami." His brother appeared behind me as my eyes widen in surprise.

I turned to face him smirking at me. 'Fast...' "Anyways, you will do your training here oh- where is my other son?" I had dark blue lines come to the side of my fore head. "How many does that make...?" I uttered quietly as they looked over to me, confusion on their faces. So I just smiled at them.

"I'm here."

A voice boomed out as a boy with black greyish hair came walking through the doors. "Oh, just another servant." "OH LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE AS-" I was held back by Karl as my anger was about to go on a rampage. "He's my son." "I don't care!" I protested as I pouted. "He called me a servant! Do I look like a servant to you?!"

"Yeah you do but-"

"Source!!" I yelled out as I swung my arm around me, making the noble vampires move back. "Vampire noble. Sons of the Sakamaki family." I commanded as the screens around me formed, making it go through files of each dimension, only to have one that matched the vampire in front of me.

"Your name is Kino. Your a selfish and naïve Prince that want to destroy the vampire race."

The screens around me disappeared as I finished my magic summons. "Your just another selfish Prince. Kino." I declared as I saw that he was furious. "I don't give shit, if I oppose to a prince like you." I hissed at him as he walked towards me. "Your nothing more but another lower class vampire. Human turned vampire." He spat. "So don't you dare. You low class vampire."

I smirked. "Like hell I will." I walked towards him as he stayed in the same spot. "Your should just be glad on how I don't plan to kill you. Since I am grateful for the Sakamaki family. I will not." He glared at me. "But be aware," I paused as air started to surround me, having him move back and every body else, making my hair go up and I had my hand out to the ground, forming a sword as I tried to take its source, and formed it to a sword.

"I don't mind killing you."

"Looks like I'm finally getting control over this body."

I looked over to see some girl with pink hair pink eyes. She smirked over to me as we were about the same age. And we were somewhere in the middle of a dark place. Everything was black. I looked around as I faced her. "Where are we. And who are you?" I questioned as she did nothing but smirk at me.

"Someone like a curse like you shouldn't be controlling my body."

My eyes widen as I slapped her hands away from my hair as she said that. "This isn't yours. It's mine. I'm Koca Mukami!"


Her eyes changed to the color of blood red.

"I am not a Mukami! I am a Yasami!!"

"I am the highest ranked aristocrat that was stripped from her life because of the war! I am Koca Yasami. The TRUE person of this body. You are nothing but the subconscious that was made by Karlhinez!"

"You are nothing."

"SHUT UP!!" I screamed at her, my blue hair flowing as I had my hands in fists. "Tell me your past as a child then!" She exclaimed. "I was born in a wealthy family. My house was burned down and I was given to an orphanage." She snickered at me as it made me glare at her.

"My childhood was miserable. My parents were killed by 3rd rate aristocrats. I killed children. I almost tortured Kou to death. I almost died with the so called 'Mukami Brothers' in the orphanage I was put in, trying to survive the living Hell."

My eyes widen at her as I so recalled years ago Kou-nii telling me about himself and me hurting him. "There is my proof. Now where's yours?" I had my hands into fist as I looked down. "You were that voice..." I uttered as I could see her smirk. "I was. The real me."

"Shut up! I am the real Koca and I will always be! I always have and I will never change!"

"The real you your taking about is fake! You are nothing but a mere curse made by Karlhinez!"

"I am not!"

##𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 ───𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now