Balloons and Stories

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She was two

Her daddy would bring her balloons everyday when he came home

He would write something cute or draw a funny picture

Nothing made her smile bigger

Then one day a little boy was born,

Daddy's new pride and joy

He started bring balloons for the boy

So the little girl was forgotten.

She's five now

Her mommy would read her stories every night before bed

She told tales of princesses and dragons

Then the little boy took mommy away

She no longer had time for her daughter

Now she's fifteen

Those memories were history

Her parents wondered why she spent her time

Locked away in her room

Blasting music

Barely even speaking

They're left wondering where they went wrong

The little boy tries to be her friend

He doesn't know why she doesn't like him

He didn't know how much small things meant to her

Daddy's balloons and mommy's stories

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