To Kill A Fangirl

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Don't you ever think about how the characters you've fallen for will never be real? How you won't find the TARDIS, 221 B Bakerstreet complete with "the world's only 'consulting detective'" with his only friend, Camp Half-Blood/ Jupiter, your letter to Hogwarts, a confused little angel named Castiel, mouthy mercenaries, psychopathic killers, or anything related to books/comic books/internet based stories, shows, or movies. Not even hot band members that you spending all of your days adoring will know you exist, whether you ever meet them in person or not.

There are real people around that could possibly like us and here we are, wasting our time on loving someone fictional or famous who won't ever love you back.

It's kind of funny really. As a matter of fact there was someone just last year who liked me, but when he tried talking to me I was either blasting music or reading fanfictions. Sad ain't it? (The fabulous author isn't forever alone anymore don't worry, she has someone to fangirl with and love her. c: )

Just think about this next time you claim a fictional character or celebrity is your wife/husband and you don't need the people who are perfectly capable of becoming your actual significant other.

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