Chapter 6

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**Harry's POV**

"So you guys are okay with this?" I asked nervous.

"Of course!" Liam urged. "You guys are happy!"

“There’s one other piece of news,” I began and even Louis looked at me confused. “I’m moving in with Lou.” I announced and joy took over the confusion on Louis’ face. The boys all cheered and I wrapped my arm around Louis' waist. I looked over at him seeing his eyes glisten with tears, I could barely see it though his fringe but I still saw a tiny tear roll down his face.

"Louis," I mumbled leaning over to kiss the tear on his face. "Don't cry."

"I just- This," He cleared his throat. "It feels like a dream."

"Hopefully not a bad dream." I chuckled darkly, leaning in to connect with his blue eyes.

"No, never a bad dream." His tiny lips met mine. I heard the room become silent. Liam cleared his throat and Zayn coughed obviously, since the moment was ruined I pulled back.

As Louis drove us home, one hand on the wheel, the other in mine; I stared at him. He could have anyone, so why me? I wasn't as special as this older boy, not as attractive or talented. Not as anything. Everyone thought that because I sang the most I was the best but no. I had a basic voice, and the less the other boys sang, the more special their voices sounded. I was just a filler, but the boys would deny that. Out of all the boys Louis had the best voice, it was to rich, so smooth, so perfect. Like him.

"Watcha thinkin bout Hazz?"

"You. How lucky I am to have you." I mused softly, squeezing his hand. He flinched and I suddenly felt guilty.

"Hazza-" He whined, I felt confusion creep into my mind, slowly like smoke from a fire.

"What?" I asked, studying his face, for any hints as to what I had said wrong.

"Don't say stuff like that!" His tone still had a bit of a whine to it, but it was more desperate.

"Why?" He grimaced, and I pulled my hand back. With his free hand he reached down to re-adjust his pants and I figured out the problem.

"Why?! Because you're perfect and just sitting here with you! I- um- I want to lean over and kiss you. Your gorgeous green eyes, adorable dimples, and your lucious curls. You're a lady killer and now a Louis killer!" He had pulled the car over so he could take my hands and look into my eyes. Cars passed us looking into our car trying to figure out what the problem was. His ungelled fringe in his eyes, I reached my hand up and clumsily brushed it out of his face making him smile. I started to feel nervous just sitting here so close to him so I flipped my hair out of my own face. He leaned into me over the divider and kissed both of my dimples before kissing my lips. He pulled back with a grin across his chisled face.

"Now lets go to your house. We can get your stuff." I smiled nodding before realizing what those words meant. Telling my Mum.

The five minute drive seemed to go by so quickly, all of the bad things that could happen floating through my head.

We pulled into the drive and Gemma jumped into my arms.

“Harreh! You’re home!” She cried and my arms held her up.

“Gemma wanna do me a favour?” I asked her gently and she nodded. “Go grab my suitcases and pack them up for me? I gotta talk to Mummy.” She grinned and jumped down running inside and upstairs. I walked with Louis up the the large white door Gemma had left open in her rush.

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