Chapter 10

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A/N: This chapter is sexual so enjoy it my larry shipping babies. My friend Hayley wrote a few parts of this chapter so love her bc she's perf. @1Dreamteam

Louis sped to the gym, turning corners at top speed, his wheels screeching against the street. He pulled into the gym lot and up to the main entrance, he didn’t bother to lock the car or even turn the engine off, jumping out of the car he ran inside.

“Harry?!” He screamed, running in fear was trying to freeze his body, but he wouldn’t let it. Jacob grabbed Louis by his arm, stopping him abruptly, and Louis almost fell onto the granite floors of the gym.

“He’s in there, he’s busted up his wrist and now his knuckles are bleeding. He’s so mad, I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but he’s upset,” Jacob murmured softly, fear in his voice.  Louis paused, understanding what it was that had upset Harry, it was Louis and Eleanor. It was Louis’ fault, this was all Louis’ fault.  Harry slugged his fist into the bag again and again, blood dripping on the floor beneath him, he was grunting as he hit the bag. Harry was in his own little world, he couldn’t hear the two boys talking, even though they were only a few feet away.

“Harry?! Harry?” Louis called out, walking forward towards the boy with his curls plastered against his forehead stuck with sweat.

“HARRY!!” Louis screamed, getting scared, he reached his hand out to grab Harry’s shoulder. Harry turned abruptly, looking at his boyfriend, his breathing heavy.

“Harry you need to stop! Now! You’re hurting yourself! LOOK!” Harry looked down at his hands and finally noticed, he sighed then pulled his hands back.

“I’m fine!” He growled, and pushed Louis away. Louis stared up at the boy he loved, not recognizing him at all. Fear was visible in Louis’ blue eyes.

“Harry?” Louis whimpered, Harry turned to face the punching bag again and he slugged the bag before yelling.

“You should have seen how much she hurt you! How broken you were! Then you go and greet her with a fucking grin and a hug! She hurt you!” His voice was getting louder with every word. “SHE. HURT. YOU!” He screamed, slamming his fist into the punching bag, the metal holding the bag up snapped and it flew across the room. He turned to glare down at the boy he loved, fury etched in his face.

“She tore you down, broke you, yet- yet you still love her!” He yelled, before turning away from Louis and walking back into the locker room. Harry stormed his way to the shower, stripping down as he walked. He unwrapped his hands, and turned the shower on hot.

“Does he not realize how much I fucking love him?” He mused softly, before stepping under the hot water that fell to the linoleum floor below him. The hot water of the shower flowed over his torso, slipping into every toned ab on the tall, curly haired boy, like it was the most important thing to do for the small droplets of hot water. The steam from the shower seemed to fill up the space around him, but Harry closed his eyes and took in the feeling of the hot water around him, as the steam from it cleared his mind, even though that certain pair of blue-grey eyes were stuck in the back of his mind. As the hot water ran down his body it reached his knuckles, getting into the small sores from his workout, Harry sucked in a breath as the pain from his hands finally hit him now that he was calmed down. Harry stared down at his large, bloody hands and watched the water wash away the blood, taking his anger with it.

“Harry?” The soft feminine voice called out, normally he’d shout out that this was the boy’s locker room, but he recognized this voice; it was Louis.

“Harry, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize you felt that way, I- she-” He stopped, slowly walking forward until the only thing between the two boys was a few feet and a plastic curtain. Harry stopped showering for a moment, and tilted his head so that he could listen to his boyfriend’s soft voice, as it drifted through the curtain and the sound of the running water. Both boys stayed silent, almost as if waiting for the other boy to speak. Harry looked towards the shower curtain.

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