Chapter 14

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A/N: Sorry it's another short chapter, I'm really trying for you guys. Ugh.

"You know how much I love you?" Harry whispered, his lips on Louis' ear.

"Show me?" Louis whined, he couldn't take it anymore, Harry had been teasing him for the past few hours now.

When Harry had finally been released from the hospital, he was surprised to see his, well he wasn't sure what to think of Louis as, but Louis standing there, well on cruches, waiting for him. The car ride home had been filled with tears and stories. Louis had broken up with Eleanor, well publically, and had told Simon that he could suck an egg. Simon hadn't taken this very well, but giving that both Louis and Harry had just been in the hospital agreed to let Louis go without a beard, for now. But the relationship had to remain, a secret; Louis fought against this but he couldn't bring himself to ruin Harry's dream by ruining their contract so eventually he caved. The entire ride Harry felt nothing but guilt, he had been so rude, and accusatory to his boyfriend just to have Louis go out of his way to make it up to him. Louis was just too good for Harry, or so Harry thought. As they pulled into the parking lot, Harry shut off the car, he had to drive as Louis was still in a cast.

"Louis, oh god Louis-" Harry's gruff voice cracked and he began to cry. Louis had already climbed out of the car, but hearing the weakness in his boyfriends voice, he immediately fell back in with an 'oof'.

"Hazz, it's not your fault, none of this is your fault ok? I love you and I'll never love anyone else," Louis whispered taking Harry's hand and kissing it. Harry nodded slowly, before finally letting Louis get out of the car for a second time. Louis struggled to get his way up the stairs, and right as he lost his balance a large pair of hands wrapped around his waist.

"I'll never deserve you but I'll try everyday to be what you deserve," Harry whispered into Louis ear, carrying him inside the flat they shared. Harry's phone sat on the table, it seemed to be mocking the two boys, and they both stood there in silence. Louis was more worried about something completely different, that Harry would notice the scars that lined his small wrist, Louis had gone home from their meeting and was a mess. He went up to the bathroom where Harry had found him after El and once again took a blade to his wrist. Harry on the other hand was reminded of all of those tweets he had read the last time he was here. They flashed through his mind and he could feel tears run down his face. Something soft snuck it's way into Harry's hand, it was Louis' hand, and Louis squeezed tightly.

"Do you wanna go up to the bedroom?" He whispered, trying not to startle his younger boyfriend. Harry nodded, and they walked up the stairs, Harry clinging desperately to Louis. This brought them back to the matter at hand, how much Harry loved Louis.

"Mmm I'd show you but you're still in a cast," Harry cheekily replied, Louis groaned and punched his boyfriend lightly.

"I don't need to be out of a cast for some things," Just saying the words made Louis blush, he couldn't believe he had even said that.

"What things would you be talking about?" Harry whispered, his lips making their way down Louis now bare chest. His large hands fumbled with the button on Louis pants, getting it after a few tries.

"Uhm-" Louis voice went up an octave as Harry's lips pressed themselves to his v-line. "Yeah... Like that...Those things," Louis whined between breaths. He thrusted his hips upwards his growing bulge pressing into Harry's face.

"Fuck Lou, impatient are we?" Harry groaned a smirk on his face, Louis' hands gripped the bed sheets and he thrusted his hips up once more, making Harry laugh. "Fine fine,"

Harry pulled the boxers down, leaving nothing but air between him and his boyfriends length. Louis let out a sigh of relief finally no longer restrained. Harry leaned down, giving a little kiss to Louis' tip. Louis was tired of all the teasing and right as Harry opened his mouth he bucked his hips up. Harry felt the tip of Louis' manhood brush the back of his throat and he gagged slightly, Louis was going to pay for this later Harry decided but for now, Harry knew what he had to do. Humming to himself, Harry sucked in his cheeks, moving his mouth up and down his hands on Louis' waist.

"Harry! God you little-" Louis moaned his back arching up off the bed. Suddenly the sensation was over, as Louis came, Harry swallowed and his mouth left his boyfriends skin. It slowly made its way up to Louis neck where he sucked at the delicate skin before biting down. Harry had practiced this on Louis so many times he knew exactly what kind of mark would be there the next day and just thinking of it made him proud. He always seemed to be marking his territory and Louis was his and only his.

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