Chapter 6: Niall?

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Chapter 6: Niall?

****Anna's POV****

"Tears were streaming out my eyes, I couldn't believe it. Niall was dead and it's all my fault. If I had never met that murder Niall would still be with us, and we'd all be over at Nina's house right now.

"What will we do?" I asked Zayn who was lying next to Nialls lifeless body. This is the first time I've ever seen Zayn cry.

"Call an ambulance for gods sake! Don't just stand there, we might be able to save him!" Zayn screamed at me making me cry even more. I hated when he shouts at me. It scared me.

"Don't shout at me, it's not going to bring him back!" I was now standing right in front him, he stood up facing me, I was inches from his face. His eyes were now almost black I could tell he was furious. Then he slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground.

" Anna, I'm sorry, I diddnt mean to" he said bending down and helping me up.

"Get away from me!" I tried to struggle to of his grip, but he was too strong and picked me up anyway. Once I was standing, he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for everything" he whispered in my ear

" it's ok, just don't do it again" I whispered back. Once we finished hugging, he looked me in the eye and moved closer so our faces were almost touching. Then he leaned in and brushed my lips softly and leaned out again and looked me in the eye. I caught the neck of his jumper and pulled him in to kiss him properly. I think he was suprized.

"Get a room guys!" We heard a voice chuckling beneath us. We looked Down to see Niall looking at us with a smirk on his face.

"Niall!" I screamed and bent down to hug him, not even having time to think about what just happened with me and Zayn.

"We thought you were dead!" I screamed again "are you ok?"

"Calm down Anna! I'm alive!" He giggled

"I'll call an ambulance straight away" I said and felt my pockets for my phone. But then I remembered its at home.

"Zayn do you have your phone?" I asked him

"Yea" he said looking at me straight in the eye which made me blush.

"Could you ring the ambulance, mines at home?"

" sure" he said smiling and walked off to make the call

Meanwhile I was talking to Niall.

"What happened to you?" I asked

"I was running after three guys and I caught ones hood and pulled him to the ground while the other two got away. I put my foot on him to hold him down, when he pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the ankle. I fell on the ground and he just kept stabbing me with it. I don't know what happened next" he said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What did he look like?i asked

"I diddnt see properly, but he had green eyes and curly hair" It was him. I diddnt tell anyone yet.

"It's ok Niall" I said hugging him

"What happend you?" He asked

I told him the story and then Zayn came back

"The ambulance is on its way" he said sitting down next to us

"Thanks"I said

"No problem"

"So lovebirds, what happend while I was 'dead'? Niall said laughing. I looked at Zayn, who was staring at the ground blushing. I never knew he liked me.

"Niall!" I giggled, slapping him in the arm playfully

Then the ambulance arrived and took Niall away. Me and Zayn were left alone.



"You forgot to tell me what happened you!" He said slightly smiling


I told the story again, Zayn holding my hand all the way through, and hugging me when I cried.

"..and that's when you came" I finally finished.

" we have to get him" he said angrily

"Thank you Zayn, If you diddnt come, I don't know what could have-" he cut me off by pressing his lips against mine.

"Everything will work out, I promise" he finally said after we kissed

He stood up, took my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Come on, we better tell everyone we found you, there probably still looking for you!" He said laughing

"Ya lets go" I said and we started walking

I still couldn't believe what was happening between us, I never thought he liked me and I never thought I would like him, we were always just friends. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about what happened the day that he picked me up.

"Zayn" I said, and he stopped walking and turned around to look at me


"I lied to you..."

" what?!" " when?!" He said turning angry

"The day you picked me up, I diddnt miss the bus... I ran from him"

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