Chapter 5: (warning! Smut!)

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((Ok, sorry it took so long to update. This chapter is going to be smut (sex) and i was not sure how to write that XD sorry for the wait~~ please dont kill me 0.o

Also, smut is obviously r18

Now, I know you'll  read it anyway, I'm just giving warning to those who don't want to read it.

It will not effect your reading experience if you choose to skip it


FYI, I hate writing smut and I shall probably never do it again. I only did it for the sake of this story. sowy >~<))


(____) = name

(h/c)= hair color

(h/l)= hair length

(e/c)= eye color


You looked over  oliver again. Oh god how you felt guilty about all this! You knew he liked you, but the guy is a psychopath for gods sake! What are you supposed to do? Let him inside you? What if you got preggo and you had little pysco children? Uh huh, no bloody way....

But as you continued to stare at him you noticed the little things.

The way his soft, strawberry blonde hair perfectly shaped his pale, freckled face. Or how those eyes you were previously afraid of were actually rather soothing  and mesmerizing.

You mentally smacked yourself. What were you thinking? This guy could kill you at any moment!

"poppet? Is something wrong?" oliver asked, a general look of concern spreading across his face

"n-no im fine" you stuttered, trying to contain yourself

"but you looked dreadfully flushed..." he placed a hand on your head, felling for a fever. You gasped, something inside of you exploded when he touched you. You felt like you were practically melting and you loved it!

"um dearie? You defiantly don't look well-" oliver began but he was quickly stopped by you pulling him into a heated kiss. You just couldn't help yourself.

You pushed him down onto the bed, crawling on top of him and straddling his abs. Oh my god he had abs! But he looked so skinny...

As you removed his shirt, he was blushing furiously! Stuttering and not knowing what to say. You shh'd him and french kissed him as you felt all over his pale chest.

With a look of boldness, oliver broke the kiss, reaching up and slowly lifting your  shirt, then unhooking the back or your bra, letting it fall to the floor. You moaned as the cold air touched your now exposed breast, but it wasnt cold for long. Oliver was now massaging them with his big warm hands, earning deep moans of approval from you. He leaned up and took one of them into his mouth while continuing to massage the other.

At this point you, could feel a sharp object digging against the inside of your leg and a wide smirk spread across your face.

"is that a stick in your pocket? Or am i just that good at turning you on?" you whispered in his ear, making him moan and his erection start throbbing

"p-please (___)!" he moaned as his hips started grinding involuntarily

You giggled and got up, slowly removing your pants and underwear and then reaching over to remove his.

"oh my," was all you were able to say.

He was HUGE and you were starting to have second thoughts

"second thoughts dear~~~?" he smirked and pulled you under him, already positioning himself.

You squirmed and nodded, but it was too late, you felt a stiff, warm object inside of you and it hurt! You teared up but oliver just remained calm, whispering soothing things into your ear while he brushed a piece of your (h/l) (h/c) hair behind your ear.

Then he was moving, slow at first, earning deep moans of approval from you, but then he was moving fast and deep. Each time you either screamed out in pleasure or moaned his name. After a while you cried out, "i-i cant take it much longer!" and he stopped, leaving you to suffer. You moaned and tried rubbing your legs together but he stopped you

"beg me~~" He smirked, starring into your (e/c) orbs.


"i said beg me~~~" he moved ever so slowly, causing you to cry out, "o-oh god! Oliver please!!"

And with that he was moving fast again. Within a matter of seconds you both cried out, orgasims coming in sync, before he collapsed on top of you, panting heavily and resting his head on your upper chest.

"that was amazing!" he chuckled, holding you in his strong arms.

All you could do was nod before he leaned down and kissed you.

Maybe you liked him after all. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing back. But this somewhat perfect moment was quickly ruined.

" (__)!!!!!?????"

You shot your head up, (e/c) eyes widening


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