Chapter 9: Goodbye Alfred

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(H/c)=hair color
(H/l)= hair length
(E/c)= eye color

"One down, one to go~" Oliver smirked, licking some blood off of his knife. Oh how he loved the taste of blood.... "Such a pity" he sighed, rolling his sleeves up, "i just cleaned these floors yesterday!" With a smirk and a dark chuckle, Oliver headed up the stairs, where his next victim awaited him....


Alfred had been frantically searching the bathroom cabinet for medical supplies. He needed something that would stop Gil's bleeding until they were able to get to a hospital. But what? He picked up bandages, "nope" those were tossed to the side. He keep on digging around until, "aha! Medical tape! This should stop the bleeding!" The american thought to himself, mentally giving himself a high five while he piled up medical tape in his arms.

A small thud came from the hallway, making him turn his head to see what it was.

"(___)? Dudette? Is that you? He asked, stepping out into the hallway to see if it was you who made the noise. But nothing, well, no one was there.

Another thud came from behind Alfred, making him turn only to see that yet again, nobody was there.

"Hahaha, very funny (____). You can come out now," he gave a nervous chuckle, turning back towards the staircase, freezing when he saw a black shadow fly past him on the wall, "t-this isn't funny, (____)!" He stuttered out, running towards the staircase, only to trip on a wire, dropping all of the medical tape as he fell face first onto the cold, hard, wooden floors bellow him.

"W-what the hell man!?" He turned so that he was on his back, propping himself up with his elbows.

"Why, 'ello there poppet~ so your name is alfred, am i correct?" Alfred's head shot up to see who was speaking to him, his face paling when he saw it was Oliver.

"Y-yes sir...."

" Well, alfred, i want to play a little game with you. Its a fun game, really, too bad your friend Gilbirt was too injured to play, such a shame, i really am bored...."

"W-what game...?" He asked, trying to by himself some time so that he could think of an escape plan. "Cat and mouse?"

"No no, don't be silly. Cat and mouse is a game I only play with females. It....isn't as entertaining with men. Men don't...beg for there lives~" Oliver smirked, saying the next part in a high pitched voice "oh please don't kill me mr kirkland! Im far to young to die~!"

Alfred scowled, standing up, "i asked you a question...."

"Oh...well...its called, dysfunction" he smiled cheerfully, "its rather fun, really. Well, for me at least"

"Never heard of it, what are the rules...?" Al looked at a window as he spoke. A means of escape.... He'd have to come back for you later....

Oliver noticed Alfred staring out the window, his smile growing into a grin. "Thats because I made it up~" he smirked, quickly snatching Alfred's glasses and snapping them in two.

"H-hey! Texas!"

"And the rules are simple. You fight me with a should consider yourself lucky, really, of you didn't have glasses, i'd have to break your leg~"

Alfred scowled, putting his hands up in a fighting position. Sure, he was practically blind now, but he could still see shapes, which helped him dodge Oliver when he tried to tackle him.

"Oh, you're good. I think I like you" Oliver smirked, putting Alfred into a hold from behind, "too bad i'm better~"

Alfred struggled, trying to shake the scrawny man off of him, "get off!" He yelled, running backwards into a wall, squishing Oliver.

But Oliver didn't let go.

With a quick thrust of his arm, Oliver's knife was soon in Alfred's heart, making the bigger man scream in pain and fall to the floor.

"A-Arthur...." Alfred choked out, spitting blood out of his mouth.

"Aw, how cute~ you think of your boyfriend in your last moments~" Oliver bent down on one knee, looking down at Alfred, "well, i'll let you in one a little secret. You want to know how I killed Arthur?"

Alfred nodded weakly.

"I sent the hounds out after him~" The freckled man smirked as a look of horror spread across Alfred's face.

"Y-you bastard!" Alfred tried sitting up, but Oliver quickly stabbed him in the back, forcing him back down.

"ah ah ah. Did i say you could get up?" He smirked

"I-I hope you burn in hell!" Alfred shouted as he went limp.

"I already have my seat reserved" Oliver laughed, standing up to fetch you from the basement.

He really is insane...isn't he?

((TO BE CONTINUED!!!! Muahaha!! I hope you guys enjoyed :3 i think i had way too much fun writing this :|. Oh well. It only took an hour. XD

As you guys know (or may not know), i have a short story (one shot) collection up on my page. If you have any suggestions for any one shots, make sure to tell me in the comments.

I love you guys!! <3))

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