Chapter 11: The Return of Arthur Kirkland

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(h/c)= hair color

(h/l)= hair length

(e/c)= eye color


There wasn't much to look at....

Just a dog with big red eyes nearly inches from your face, growling and showing its teeth.

Making you scream and drop the match....


You screamed, blindly throwing a punch. Luckily, it hit something, but, it didn't seem....furry. Like the dog that was just in front of you seconds before.

"Ow! Dammit (____)!!" A masculine voice yelled at you, making you jump and hit your head on the wall.

"W-Who's there?" You asked "Oliver...?"

"No you idiot! Stupid git..."

You remained silent for a moment before responding with yet another question, "...A-Arthur?"

The light slowly flickered on, revealing who was in front of you. A tall, pale man with sun gold hair and grass green orbs for eyes. He had big, bushy eyebrows that somewhat reminded you of a caterpillar. When you were young, you always believed they would crawl off of his face and eat you in your sleep....

The going man stood, offering you a hand to help you up. All those dogs from before lay on the floor, dead and covered in blood. "Damn, it sure did take you long enough," he chuckled as he helped you up.

"I-I thought you were d-dead...." You stuttered out, obviously still in shock.

" did I...." Arthur frowned, pulling you into a tight hug.

"I'm dreaming again...."

"Excuse me?"

"I-I'm dreaming and need to wake up- ow!! dammit Arthur!" you yelped out as the older man pinched you.

"Still dreaming?" He smirked

"Oh shut up~! Just....don't die on me again!" you giggled, hugging him tighter. "Alfred is upstairs...."

"What!? Is he and idio- stupid question....but seriously, what is he doing here!?"

"He wanted to save you....."

Arthur frowned, shaking slightly "....Why?"

A small smile escaped your lips as you tightened your grip around him, "because he loves you~"

Arthur smiled and let out a small chuckle, his expression softening, "Aye...that he does"

While the two of you were enjoying your little conversation, you failed to realize the strawberry blonde man slowly creeping up on you.

Suddenly, the lights went out

"Well well, looks like your boyfriend is here. I honestly don't know what you see in that man" Arthur smirked and shrugged, protectively standing in front of you.

You blushed deeply. How did he know!? You were going to ask, but he quickly answered your question.

"You two are very loud at night~," he laughed out, earning a deeper blush and an elbow to the chest from you.

A warm breath ran down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "(____)~~~??" Oliver's cold voice called out from the darkness. "(____), come here, my love. Do you really want to be around that filth?" The lights suddenly turned back on, revealing your handsome boyfriend leaning against the wall you were up against, a grin on his blood stained face as he played with a strand of your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"Oliver," Arthur's voice growled as he stepped in front of you once again. "Did you happen to run across Alfred? I couldn't help but notice the glasses in your hands...."

Oh shit....

You teared up quickly, fearing the worse.

"Why, yes. Yes I did. And, oh how amazing he is at playing games....and kissing~"

"What!?" Arthur snarled, making the other man laugh.

"Just kidding~~!! Do you really think I'd ever lay a finger on a dirty pig like him?"

Arthur's face twitched a bit. You knew what was coming next....

With the blink of an eye, Oliver was stumbling backwards, Arthur's fist still implanted in his freckled face.

Another blink, and Oliver was out cold on the cement flooring.

"O-olli!" You gasped, rushing over to your lovers side,"You didn't have to knock him out!"

"I should have done more than just knock him out!! I should have taken his knife, and stabbed him in the guts!! One for each and every one of his victims!! And I am suuuure that's a lot! Don't you agree!?"

You could see the anger growling in Arthur. His green orbs getting darker....his pale skin turning frightened you. "A-Arthur-"

He cut you off, "Let's....just go find Alfred....maybe he's ok...."

"........" All you could do was nod in agreement, leading him to the now open doorway and up the wooden staircase.


((Hey guys~!! So, the contest for the name of this story is still going on. Don't forget to leave a comment or message me if you have an idea.

Also, I think I'm almost done with this story. >_< I don't want to end it D: XD So, I'll keep it running as long as possible. But, if I do need to end it, there will be a sequel :D So, yay XD.

Don't forget to vote and comment



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