Chapter 10

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whoop whoop 10th chapter..
Edit: it's taken me 4 months to edit this far but there's no turning back now🙏

Jodis pov

The weekend came and went fast, unfortunately. And I woke up on Monday morning dreading the day of school ahead of me. Being in that building for 6 or so hours may not sound so terrible, but for me it was the definition of a bad idea.

I got up and changed into some jeans that had somehow gotten bigger on me, but it wasn't surprising seeing as I had a very small diet, but if I put on Wight then my mother would beat the crap out of me, just for eating what was 'her food' that 'she had put on the table'. I then put a plain black top on that was, again, to big for me. I finished of the 'black' look with my black converse I had saved up for. I didn't wear them much because my mum would take the away from me, of course, but I was up early and I knew I could sneak out of the house without her waking up and having something to say about me. The shoes looked almost new, but I'm sure that once they wear out a bit I will start to wear them more. My face hurt a lot, but I tried not to show it. It had a bruise on it that was quite obvious but no one cared and it's not like I could cover it up. I hate makeup, if just feels weird, and we can't afford it anyways. I just had to live with the bruises and hope no one said anything.

I grabbed my already packed bag and quietly walked downstairs, looking both ways before running from the bottom of the steps to the door, then outside successfully.

I got about half way down the road when I heard the distinguishable noise of my front door opening, and the sounds of a voice I knew from years of hearing it. My mum had woken up, maybe from me running out, I wasn't sure, but I knew she wouldn't come after me so I just kept my head down and tried not to cry at the various remarks she made, all involving me, as I walked down the street, praying for the one lesson I could enjoy to come quicker and quicker, and to last longer and longer.


I walked into English, my last lesson. I was fed up, tired and sick of the pointing, staring and remarks that where made today as well as every other single day of my life. I just felt like crying. Also, the letter wasn't meant to come for another few days and it wasn't Tuesday or Friday so Layla was going to be busy with something. I just feel like shit. It was nice to end on a slightly higher note though, because whether the letter came or not, I still loved this lesson.

The lesson went by pretty slowly, just like the whole day, but at the end as I packed up my thing, my teacher called my name.

"Jodi can you stay behind please?" She asked, I nodded, groaning quietly and wondering what the fuck I could have done wrong.

Everyone else left and I stayed behind like she asked, walking to the front of the class where my teacher sat.

"You wanted to talk me me?.." I said, more like questioned. She looked up and nodded. "It's nothing bad. Don't worry." She said then got an envelope out of her school folder. "You have a letter from Tony, you are the only one left with a pen pal. George," (who I guessed he was the other guy still talking to someone else), "And his pan pal had to stop talking because she was in an inappropriate line of work for a 14 year old to talk to." I couldn't help but giggle a but at that. He was talking to a fucking porn star and the miss didn't even notice, that's hilarious!

I got my letter from her and thanked her before she let me go, asking if I was okay just like everyone else, but I just nodded and walked out, keeping my business to me and no one else. The walk home was slow and boring like usual but I finally got home and got on with my chores.


I finished my chores and locked myself in my room. All the hard parts of my day where over and it was finally time for something I could enjoy for a while. No doubt my mum would bring someone back to fuck, she had done for the past few days, so either I wouldn't be disturbed as long as I left them in peace. Or they would both gang up on me for something.

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