*Chapter 16

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Tony's pov

I have been feeling like shit. Still. I was still awaiting a letter from Jodi and I wasn't going to give up. Waiting was annoying though. I didn't know if she didn't like me, couldn't speak to me for some reason, something had happened. I had no clue why she wasn't talking to me but I wish she would.

Jaime was able to go home now, but he still decided to stay in my spare room, just to check on me and make sure I was okay. Sure, I wasn't happy, but he wasn't giving up. And if I know one thing about Jaime it's that he won't give up on something like this.

I was checking the mail again today and me and Jaime where also going out for lunch. I hoped a letter had come but I wasn't expecting anything. It has been so long since I got one, I just feel like giving up. But I won't.

We headed out and I checked the mail box. I almost walked away until I notice an envelope shoved near the back. "JAIME!" I said, he turned to look at me, "she wrote back!" I said, happy that I hadn't given up how I wanted to.

We went to the cafe we had been to before, Jaime orders out food once again, making sure that I had a fair amount seeing as I hadn't eaten much lately. I'm glad he cares...

We sat down and after eating i read out the letter.

It read:

To Tony,

I'm so so so sorry that I haven't written to you in over a month! I really am, I can explain though.

I'm going to tell you everything, from the start. It's a bumpy ride.

My mum has abused me for a number of years now, since before I can remember. My dad used to do it to until he left with my brother when I was very young. Recently it got worse, if I don't do one of my many chores or forget one thing then I would get hit. I stopped writing the night I ran away from home. I forgot o clean something and her 'male friends' raped me. It was horrible, today was the first day I have spoken to anyone since then and I feel like utter shit. But I'm trying to forget. I also went to my
School today to collect your letter as, intending to send one but then realising I had a lot to explain, and I'm sorry.

My life is alright now, though. I love with Layla and her mum. They are really nice. I start school again next week as well, I honestly don't think I'm ready for it, but I have to push through this, I can't let it get to me.

I really do want to keep talking to you, I hope yo accept my apology. I'm looking forward to your next letter.

From Jodi.

•End Of Letter•

I frowned as I read the letter, it wasn't busy in here, thankfully, because I felt like I was going to cry.

Jaime rubbed my back comfortingly. He knew how much I cherished my friendship with Jodi, and how I didn't give up on her reply, that I looked forward to her letters everyday, and that she made me happy. And now I know this, I just want to hug her and tell her it will be okay, but I can't. I just can't.

"At least she's safe now..." Jaime said, trying to cheer me up. "But her mums still out there, in the same neighbourhood! She could fucking kill her!" I said back, crying a little now and resting back on the chair I was sitting on. We where in a booth so I was glad no one could see me crying and that there where no fans here.

"Let's go home, you can write back and ask if she's okay, maybe even ask for her phone number so you can actually speak to each other daily." Jaime said, I nodded and we got up to leave.


We got home and  I whent to myrick straight away, Jaime understood not to bother me. Even though he knows not to leave me alone to much, he also understands that I do need my space, and that comforting me doesn't always help.

I sat on my bed, getting a hard book so I could lean on it and write without the paper getting scrumpled.

I started writing.

•Start Of Letter•

To Jodi,

I'm so glad your okay now, or alt least on the way to being okay. You should be proud of yourself for getting through all of that, you are such a strong person inside and I hope you know that.

I have to admit, I cried when I read that. You deserved none of it, please remember that I'm always her though. If you EVER need to speak to someone, you can write to me.

I'm going to presume that's where you got the bruise from, I don't blame you for lying about here it came from though, I think anyone would have in your situation.

I do hope school goes okay for you, it's horrible being bullied and I know that. I just wish it would stop because I honestly can't think of why someone so young would feel the need to pick on someone else, or beat them up, it just doesn't make sense to me. Whoever they learn it from must be a dick.

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better
at least, and that you got up this morning and not only spoke to someone, but you found the will to actually do something, even if it was only small.

Of coarse I want to keep talking to you! I think your great! I never gave up on you writing back to me, I always looked for your letter to me, and when it came I smiled for the first Time in a while.

One question though, do you have a phone? Because texting or calling each other would be so much more practical.

Looking forward to your next letter,

From Tony.

((Ps, by the way, I haven't forgotten about your prize for choosing the best pen pal!))

•End OF letter•

I put it in an envelope, making a mental note to post it tomorrow and leaving it on my table side.

I then went downstairs and found Jaime on the phone. 'I'm ordering pizza' he mouthed at me. I looked at the clock, jeez we only just had lunch! I thought but I then realised that I had been in my room for an hour an a half, just writing the letter, and that it had taken 39 minutes to get home earlier. So that's why Jaime was hungry.

I nodded and laid on one of the couches, falling asleep almost instantly. I have been sleeping a lot lately, but I'm not sure why.

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