~ Chapter 1 ~

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A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first teacher fic and I have written up to chapter 27! I won't be uploading chapters until I get more reads/comments/votes etc.! so if you want me to upload the next chapter then just comment and vote and i will! thanks and enjoy:)


Wavy brunette hair. Baby blue eyes. Long legs. About 5'7. Sophomore. 

I stare in the mirror at my own reflection. I needed to add something to my appearance. Something.... Aha! A dab of lip gloss should do the trick. Maybe something to impress the hot junior, Tanner Whitlock. Just thinking of him sends me butterflies. 

I grab my bag and head out the door. The first day of school was always no big deal for me. I had a lot of friends and this year I had at least five in every class. My last period, with some new teacher named Mr. Styles, was going to be the best. I had at least fifteen friends in that class, and there were only twenty students who were in the room. Hopefully the new guy wasn't an old hag. 

As I reached the school, I saw one of my closest friends, Gwen, waving at me. I smiled and ran up to her, engulfing her in a huge hug. She smelled like fresh summer. 

"Hey, Gabby! Have you heard about the new teacher?" She asks, excitedly. "I have him last period!" I smile. She was the only one who actually used my nickname. Basically everyone else called me Gabriella. 

I nod my head. "Me too! Is he cool?" I ask. We start walking toward the main entrance of the school. People are hugging each other left and right, reuniting from their summer distances. The wind blows gently and my hair flies back. 

"Yes! He's sooo hot, Gabby! You would never believe how hot he is!" She says, grabbing my wrist, enthusiastically. Gwen got excited about boys a lot. 

"Oh, Gwen, I doubt that. You think any living thing with a penis is hot," I say, shaking my head. We push open the heavy entrance doors and a huge gust of wind hits our faces. Its super crowded in the main hallway, like usual. 

"No, Gabby! When I say he's hot, I mean he's REALLY, REALLY hot!" She says, bugging her eyes out. Okay, so he must be a little hot then. 

"We'll just have to wait and see," I say. The bell rings and Gwen and I exchange goodbyes and I head to my locker. I get tons of hellos and some are from people I don't even know. But I still don't see Tanner anywhere. 

Tanner is just one of those things that you want so badly, but you know you could never have. He's tall, with beautiful dark blue eyes and blonde hair. His skin is pale, but it works for him. He's so muscular and he honestly looks like a work of art. But he was a junior and I was only a sophomore. I had never spoken a word to him in my life. Some girls my age had their eye on him, but he already had a crush on some junior, Lauren Depinto. She was really, really pretty. I never had a chance.  

I headed to my first class. As I walked in, all my friends came racing up to me, asking about my summer and how I was. Suddenly, the teacher, Mrs. Garcia, walked in. She was an old Mexican woman with a bad temper and she was just burnt out. 

"Wow, Gabriella, first day of school and you're already aggravating me? Sit down, now," she says, bitterly. Mostly every single one of the teachers are like this. And they all hate me. At least in 3 classes each day, I always get yelled at for talking. I'm just a really talkative person, I don't mean to be disrespectful, like they always call me. 

The class drags on and Mrs. Garcia drones on and on about the joys of Geometry. I yawn and finally the bell rings. I hurry out and say goodbye to all my friends.  

The day goes by and all my classes are just the same as Geometry - boring, the teacher yells at me for no reason, all my friends talk to me and I get in trouble again. 

Finally, last period rolls around and I feel giddy. I was hoping this teacher would be different than all the others. What was his name again? I look down at my schedule. Mr. Styles. And apparently he was hot, according to Gwen. We'll see about that. 

I slowly walk in, but only see kids. I guess Mr. Styles hasn't arrived yet. I set my bag down on an empty desk near the back and eight of my friends come scurrying over, snatching seats around me. Gwen is with them. 

"I heard this new teacher is really hot!" A girl named Georgia squeals.  

Suddenly, everyone takes their seats as the door swings open. My jaw drops when I see the new teacher. 

He was absolutely the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. 

He had dark hair that was pushed back off his forehead into a little poof thing. It sounds weird but it really works for him. He was really tall with tanned skin and electric green eyes. He had those eyes that changed the shade of color with what he was wearing. His shirt was a long sleeved black button down dress shirt with a plain white tie. He had on black jeans, which clung to his hips perfectly. 

Gwen was right. So right. 

"Oh my god, you guys, he's gorgeous," I whisper to my friends and they nod their heads vigorously. Then a big group of my friends, who are late, scuttle in behind him and try to get a seat nearest to me. Mr. Styles puts his computer bag down on his desk, along with his lesson book. Then he claps his hands together and faces the class. 

"Hi guys. My name is Mr. Styles and I'm just going to be honest with you. This is the first time I've ever taught a class. I just graduated from university in England and I heard about a lot of job opportunities in America, so I decided to take a risk. I ended up getting this job, so I guess it was meant to be," his deep raspy voice stated. I was hanging on his every word. His voice drew me in, just like that. I loved the way his British accent sounded. He was so perfect. And young. 

"So you guys got any questions?" He asks, looking around the room. We briefly make eye contact and I feel sparks throughout my entirety. A hand shoots up out the corner of my eye and he points to them. It was Gwen. 

"How old are you?" She asks.  

"Twenty-one," he answers. The girls practically swoon over this answer. Most of them have their chin resting in their hand and their eyes looking longingly at him.  

No one has any more questions and he takes attendance.  

"Gabriella Henderson?" He calls out looking around. I raise my hand and he looks over at me and gives me a smile. I smile back. I love the way he says my name. He makes it sound so delicate and feminine in his British accent. 

He then starts talking about what we'll be working on in the next year. I was just excited to be in his class. I would be able to see him every almost single day. How lucky was I?

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