~ Chapter 29 ~ (****LAST CHAPTER****)

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"Shh, we have to be quiet," Harry whispers into my hair. I nod slowly and his hand makes its way down my arm. Goosebumps raise and I feel a herd of butterflies rush through me. It was amazing how much this man's touch had an effect on me. 

"I know," I whisper back. His soft lips meet mine and I close my eyes with the sensation. 

Last night I had agreed to meet him under the bleachers after school. Throughout the school day, I was filled with nerves and giddiness, knowing that he would be kissing me in just hours. 

Harry gently pushes me on my back to the concrete. His curls flop down on his forehead as he leans over me. I run a hand through them, getting it out of his eyes. He gives me a sloppy grin.

"Thank you, baby," he whispers. My heart flutters at his last word, knowing that I was his.

Suddenly, I hear a noise to the left of me, causing a gasp to escape my lips. I quickly jerk my head to the side. 

I see feet clad in a pair of black sparkly converse. I know those anywhere. 

'Shit," Harry curses under his breath. I feel his body stiffen above me, and know that he knows its her, too.

The feet stop moving and come to a halt in front of us. I don't look at her face as it comes in view. 

"You've got to be kidding me," I hear Gwen huff. I bite my lip and watch Harry as he slowly lifts his eyes to meet hers. His mouth hangs slightly open and his cheeks are tinged pink. 

"Gwen, you-you have to understand that this is not what it looks like," Harry says, while lifting himself off of me and sitting down. I sit cross legged beside him.

"She already knows," I say quietly, picking a loose fray on my jeans. 

"What?!" Harry's tone is astonished as he looks at me incredulously. "You told her?"

"She found out," I say, still not making eye contact with either of them. Harry turns from me to Gwen.

"Remember that time when you so happened to barge into my house and look all over for Gabby? Yeah, that kind of gave away that something odd was going on. And anyways, it always seemed like you had a thing for her in class so I just assumed," Gwen shrugs. 

Harry lets out a deep sigh and rubs his forehead. "Well thank God it was you and not an administrator who found out," he says.

"What makes you think I'm not going to tell anyone?" Gwen snaps, crossing her arms.

"Gwen! What are you thinking? You're going to get him fired and me expelled!" I say, my voice beginning to rise. Anger bubbles up in my chest. I have never told one of her secrets and now she's going to spill the biggest one I've ever had? 

"Gwen...we just need to think this through and rationalize here. You telling on us is not going to solve anything. But more importantly, you're going to lose your best friend. I've seen the way you two act around each other. I know best friends when I see them in my students. But I've never seen or had a friendship quite like you two. I know that sometimes you probably don't always get along, but in the end, you're always there for each other, right? And you always have each other's back no matter what?" Harry says.

"Yeah, I guess..." Gwen looks down.

"Look, if you're going to tell, then you're going to tell. That's your choice and no one can stop you from doing that. But I just want you to remember all the things we've been through together. It's been a lot, Gwen. You can throw it all away on a secret if you really want to," I say. Gwen is just being silly right now. I mean, come on, we've been best friends forever! 

She doesn't say a word and just stares at me. 

"I-I'm sorry, Gabby," she finally speaks up. I get up and she pulls me in a tight hug. "I love you," I whisper quietly. 

We pull away and she smiles a real genuine smile. "You love him, silly," she says and points to Harry. He beams up at me and I can't help but smile back. 


"So, when can I come see you next?" Harry's voice sounds through the speaker on my phone as I finish off my nails with a clear coat. 

"In English," I smirk and he lets out a groan.

"But that's not until Monday," I can almost hear him pout.

"Guess you'll have to wait until then," I shrug. "And I just bought some new yoga pants that I've just been dying to wear." I laugh when I hear his angered grunt on the other end of the line. Yoga pants were his favorite and I hardly ever wore them.

"You little tease..." his voice trails off and I know I got him frustrated. 

"Oh, but then again, maybe I should wear the new mini skirt I got? Oh, decisions, decisions..."

"Babe, you're killing me."

"I know, I love you, Harry."

"I love you, too, sweetheart."


a/n: THATS THE END!!!!!! haha, i know, it's a really crappy last chapter but this is my first fanfic. but it won't be the absolute end. I think I'm going to be posting like mini little scenes from times when Harry and Gabriella were together and when he was just her teacher and stuff. they'll be like imagines or one-shots. so yeah...:) 

BUT I JUST WANT TO THANK EVERYONE WHO READ/VOTED/COMMENTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME AND I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. YOU KEEP ME GOING AND YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING<3 and i'm so sorry i didn't update regularly. :( so thank you for dealing with my issues like that and still staying with me.:)

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