~ Chapter 14 ~

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A/N: this chapter is really bizzarre, i'm sorry. haha but still enjoy! 

"Okay, everyone! I have some exciting news for you all!" Mr. Styles was at the front of the room and I turn in my chair to face him. He clasps his hands together and goes on. 

"The principal has generously donated some money for this class to have a little fun. You guys have the highest combined GPA for English class in the school so as a reward, we will be going to... the zoo," he finishes. Nobody looks very excited about this. I mean, c'mon, the zoo? Why couldn't we use the money to go to an amusement park or something? The zoo was for elementary school.  

Some sighs and groans go around the room. Mr. Styles shakes his head. 

"I know you guys are kind of old for this stuff, but Mrs. Baker specifically requested the donated money went to the zoo. She already booked us a tour there and everything so there's no going back now. Just appreciate the fact you get a day off," he says. He made a point.  

"Now, I'll be chaperoning the field trip," Mr. Styles says. I can't help but perk up at this. "Along with four other teachers being, Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Steck, Ms. Auld, and... Mr. Tatum." He says Mr. Tatum's name like death. Those two really didn't like each other for some reason. They tried to be nice to each other in school, like in front of students, but you could just tell the relationship is strained.  

"We already split you up into groups and you'll stay in those groups for the whole trip. There will be one chaperone responsible for each group. I'll read out the groups right now," Mr. Styles walks over to our desk and lifts a sheet off it. It has his neat handwriting on it with a few scratched out words here and there.  

"In Mr. Steck's group is..." He goes through names. I notice the groups are put into according to who we hang out with. That was fair enough. As long as I had Gwen with me I would be okay. I just hope I'm not in Mrs. Garcia's group. That would suck. 

"With Mr. Tatum it's Luke, Sebastian, Danny, and Tim," Mr. Styles announces. The four boys high five each other. I breathe a sigh of relief. It wasn't that I hated Mr. Tatum, he just...made me feel uncomfortable at times. He reminded me of what Mr. Brady was probably like back in his golden age. A big sturdy jock, who could be kind of a jerk sometimes. Mr. Tatum was extremely hot, but I don't know... Jocks just aren't my thing.  

That was the opposite for the majority of the females in the room. Girls hit their desks in disappointment after hearing they weren't with Mr. Tatum. I had to laugh at that.  

Mr. Styles reads out the rest of the lists and I find that Gwen, Claire, Georgia, or me still haven't been called after the last teacher's group was read. That meant one thing. 

"And Gabriella, Gwen, Claire, and Georgia will all be with me," Mr. Styles finishes looking at each one of us. When his eyes land on me, I feel a shiver up my spine. I was going to spend the entire day with Mr. Styles at the zoo. This could not be any more perfect.

*next day*

"Okay, Mr. Styles! Your bus is waiting outside the front doors!" The PA system booms through the speaker. I hurriedly get out of my seat and meet Gwen at her desk. We planned to sit next to each other on the bus and we would sit across from Claire and Georgia. Our class files out the door and to the main office. Soon, everyone is seated on the bus and we're off to the zoo.  

"Ugh, guys, I totally wish we would've had Mr. Tatum as our chaperone," Georgia whines. The other girls nod except for me.  

"What's wrong with Mr. Styles?" I ask, slowly. Gwen looks at me with a huge smirk and I nudge her in the ribs. 

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